Flame Thrower and RPG-7

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Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by Demontrooper »

Hey guys,

I would like a flamethrower, or parts for one. Does not matter which country/era the parts or gun are from. Live or not.

Also, RPG-7 complete or parts. No live weapons; just dewats.
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7


Sorry, I left all my flamethrowers at my parents'.

Here ya go! A repro RPG-7!

http://www.sportsmansguide.com/search/s ... arch&k=rpg

Bon apetite.
RPG7.jpg (30.42 KiB) Viewed 2236 times
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by Demontrooper »

Oh, I don't want plastic junk; I would real parts or demilled weapons. I could buy RPG-2 parts from Knob Creek, but I would prefer the RPG-7 variant. Same with flamethrowers.
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by JBaum »

There's a vietnam era flame thrower new in the box on a table at Knob Creek. Do you want contact info of the seller?
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by BELTLEAD »

I thoght Omega Industries had the RPG7 trigger housing complete and also the wood heat shields,but I just checked their website and there not there anymore.
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by Demontrooper »

Yeah, Northridge has all the parts for the RPG-7 except for the "tube." I might have to plunk down the $250 for all the parts, then weld and grind a tube, then fit all the parts to it. RPG-7's go for over $1500 these days....
I wonder if a home-made RPG like the one I am considering; would be classified as a restricted weapon? I don't care anyways; not like I have the ammo.
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by drooling idiot »

jbaum wrote:There's a vietnam era flame thrower new in the box on a table at Knob Creek. Do you want contact info of the seller?
just curious, do you remember what he was asking for it ?
I don't know what I'd do with the thing and don't think there are even legal in PA. :burn:
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by weasel_master »

It was $1200 or $1700 don't recall which.
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by JBaum »

What's neat about a flame thrower is that it's not a destructive device, it's not a firearm, and it's not a weapon. It's just a flame thrower. No license, nothing. Just pay your money and carry it home.
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by weasel_master »

What do they use for fuel?
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by Demontrooper »

An inert gas to pressurize the tanks, which can be filled with gasoline, but a thicker, viscous (and safer no doubt) blend of something resembling (napalm?) is used by the military. I might just use gasoline; thicken it up with soap-chips so that it will burn longer and stick to whatever it lands on.

Yeah, flamethrowers are completely unrestricted! Hoorah! God bless America; great stuff! All the teenagers on youtube with their homemade flamethrowers would be in jail if that stuff was illegal anyways.
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by drooling idiot »

I'm pretty sure Pennsylvania has a state restriction on flame throwers, specifically "incendiary devices".
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Re: Flame Thrower and RPG-7

Post by Demontrooper »

They are not restricted by federal law, but I know California restricts them, and charges possession as a misdemeanor. A flamethrower (according to California Law) is "any non stationary and transportable device designed or intended to emit or propel a burning stream of combustible or flammable liquid a distance of at least 10 feet." Flamethrowers are not restricted, because they are necessary for agriculture and land management tasks, to set controlled burns, etc. Plus, you can buy them in Home Depot (the propane ones).

Anyways, I live in NY, and they are not restricted here.
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