All the value is in the rear. 42 Rocker is about right. Complete kits went for $1200 to $1800 a few months ago depending on condition and pics. Now all the retailers are sold out. So value will go up. had a German kit for sale at the Show of Shows. The front half of the receiver was uncut. It ended aft of the cam piece with a saw cut. I think it was $2,200.
German front ends w/ uncut bearing sell for $800 - $1000. Yugo w/ cut bearing about $150, maybe $180. Uncut bearing probably double that.
Complete German kits $2600+ and going up fast. Complete Yugo $1200-$1800, though I doubt we'll see any more at $1200. There is a one saw cut Yugo on GB for $2600.
Last April at KCR, TNW had two German MG42 kits, all rusty and crappy (stored damp) for $2450 each. I scoffed at that price, but they sold.
A complete Yugo receiver shell, single cut, sold last year at KCR for $1600.
IMHO kits with only the front of the receiver (cam forward) are useless. Aftermarket rears are available, but require precision welding, milling, and semi conversion. This is beyond the capability of even most welders, much less the home restorer. Add the price of the aftermarket rear, welding, milling, converting, grinding, and you're up to $1000- might as well put that money into a kit with all receiver parts, which cuts the work (and cost) in half.