Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

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Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by redblur »

Hey folks. I've been in and out of this forum for a few years now, and you guys have always been helpful. So I turn to you for some help in finding a gunsmith that will work on a Wiselite M53. I bought it back in 2010 as a coming-home gift after my second tour in Afghanistan, and it's had problems ever since. I know that seems to be the general consensus with these guns, but I still consider it one of the centerpieces of my collection.

From the beginning, there have been issues of failures to eject. It's always been extremely difficult to chamber the first round by using the starter belt. In fact, it'll only pull and feed a round if the bolt is held to the rear and the cover is closed (with the feed pawl aligned properly, I know). Lately, at the last family range retreat, it started burst firing anywhere from 2-10 rounds at a time. It slamfired for a while as well, but hasn't done it after removing the firing pin return spring. Although that might be cause the burst problem, not sure. The disconnector broke in the factory trigger setup, so I had to file and fit another one. The hammer and trigger themselves are specific pieces, so I haven't replaced them. The trigger pins have broken 3 times.

So in short, it's had a multitude of issues. It was also a significant financial investment, so I don't want it to go to waste. I like the gun a lot, but just wished it would work. Back in the spring, I had sent it to a shop in Texas that said they would work on it. The gunsmith, named Doc, was a former employee at Wiselite Arms and said he would work on it. I sent it, and a few weeks later a get a call from the owner of the company saying Doc had been "let go" and didn't keep a log or receipt. The gun just got sent back in the crate as-is (although I found out he did replace the top cover that had a cracked pin).

Does anyone know of a gunsmith that will work on it? I'm out of ideas and frustrated with troubleshooting, so I'd just like to pay a trustworthy gunsmith to fix it and get it running right.

Thanks for the help, fellas. And yes, I searched.
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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by 42rocker »

flemgunner is one of the first names that comes to mind. He just moved to Texas. Give him a pm and go from there.

Also what ammo are you running thru it??

Good Luck

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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by redblur »

42rocker, Thanks for the response. I've been running the same ammo I bought with the gun: Yugo surplus in a green crate. From looking at pictures online, I assume it's the 196 grain stuff?

Is flemgunner a legit gunsmith, or someone that works on them on the side?
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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by 42rocker »

1st flemgunner is a friend. I o :eureka: nly see him at the creek and messages on this board.
Check out this link and send him a pm

also check out the posts that he has made over the years.

You might find that the yugo ammo that you are shooting is on some of the don't shoot this ammo lists. Check the info that came with your mg42.

Good Luck

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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by redblur »

Thanks again 42rocker. I'll reach out to him.

In the manual, it says to use only military surplus fmj. The supply has definitely dried up, so I'm going to try that new Romanian 170 gr. Steel case stuff. Looks to be military-ish.
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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by JBaum »

Glen (flemgunner) is fully capable of taking a pile of pieces and making something that works every time. His problem will be finding time to do it, and like getting anything fixed that doesn't run (washing machine, car, or gun), probably won't be able to tell you the cost of fixing it until he actually has it finished. This is normal and to be expected.

Great guy, have no hesitation if he says he'll fix it.
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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by redblur »

And thanks JBaum. See, this is why I come here. At this point, I'd be willing to pay to get it fixed and deal with the cost later. The wife does not need to know right now.
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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by 42rocker »

Search and you might find a number of threads where Glen has stepped in and got an MG42 working again.
Right now he is "playing" with a few tanks in Texas.

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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by flemgunner »

Thanx guys, yall are gonna make me blush
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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by JBaum »

It ain't bragging when you can do it. :)
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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by Der Alder »

Most gunsmiths do not want to touch these conversions, so why not fix it yourself? We can help you. (I do not have an FFL BTW)....but I'll throw some tips out there which may help.

I've built several of these in SA (M53 and MG3 clones) and helped many more with their builds.

Sounds like your grip stick is too high which is common with these SA builds, especially the WLA builds (I have one of those too). This is why you are breaking pins BTW due to stress.

You can radius your hammer and or channel the bottom of your BC which will help greatly. WLA's adds a plate to the underside of their BC's which may smooth the hammer contact, but IMO adds stress to the hammer and pins by increasing pressure and many of their early builds just used simple AR pins in their grip sticks (don't know if they upgraded on their later builds).

Thing is, WLA revised their SA mods over the course of their builds, so I can only speak for the early types which I have (I don't know if they changed this later).

BRP puts a channel in the bottom of their BC's for this reason and also adds KNS (AR-15) high quality trigger and hammer pins to their complete grip stick assemblies, something I use on all my builds.

Also, gas pressure usually needs increased in a SA build because of the added drag from the hammer conversion and the shorter recoil spring. I've found too that mine runs most reliably in .308, 8mm is a fine cartridge as this gun was designed for, but the thing is it is getting harder to find good quality consistent pressure surplus 8mm ammo, where surplus 7.62x51 NATO is now easier to find.

I'd perhaps consider too getting a MG1 top cover and FT along with a barrel, along with either the MG3 front FH and bearing or if you wish to maintain the '8mm look' a spare booster nozzle that you can weld the hole partly and drill out the nozzle hole to 10 mm, as an increase in gas pressure will again most likely be needed in .308.

Sounds too like you may have some primer chips stuck in your FP channel, thus causing the multi bursts...I'd address this first and foremost for obvious reasons.

All that said, don't give I mentioned I too have a WLA's M53 and it now runs like a top. In fact working on it taught me the basics of this platform (along with this site's past posts and Johns manuals) and once I got it straitened out, that gave me the courage to start building these guns in SA.
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Re: Seeking a gunsmith for a Wiselite M53, Frustrated and Out of ideas.

Post by Slashbike »

I concur with Der Alder. Stick with it and work on it bit by bit. I learned a lot working the kinks out of mine.
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