Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

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Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by volgrimmer »

Gen2 S.A. M53
Gen2 S.A. M53
I wanted to give everyone here a sneak peek at the new gen2 sa m53 that tony and i have designed at wise lite arms. the receicer is two milled halves, with the rails milled into each side, so rail alinment is dead on everytime. the one in the picture is the prototypeand has all the same features as the stamped receiver, except it will accept a stock charging handle with the bolt catch finger cut down per atf specs. Our new website will have more pictures of it and will lay out what we will offer at first. What we see is a receiver that a homebuilder with minimal tools can take their parts kits and our receivers and drop in their parts and have a functioning weapon with minimal fitting. Our website will have all the information about it on there, and if anyone has any questions, please email us and we will do our best to answer them. Thanks for everyones support, volgrimmer.
Gen2 S.A. M53
Gen2 S.A. M53
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by 42rocker »

Looks and sounds interesting. Please keep us in the loop as how things are going.
Good Luck.

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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by flemgunner »

Nice dude Id really like to see that before welding up :wnana:
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by www.Prussia.us »

Thanks for sharing a lot of people were afraid they missed the boat on these, I would recommend this time workshopping a CA-legal or a possible NY legal version-you will open up thousands of more potential customers desperate to buy that are liquid.

Is WLA selling full guns or just receivers?
“… corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, … until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”

- Abraham Lincoln (Republican), Nov. 21, 1864

Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by volgrimmer »

www.Prussia.us wrote:Thanks for sharing a lot of people were afraid they missed the boat on these, I would recommend this time workshopping a CA-legal or a possible NY legal version-you will open up thousands of more potential customers desperate to buy that are liquid.

Is WLA selling full guns or just receivers?
as of right now, we will only be offering the options we have on the website, but we are talking about several other options, including full guns, but that will be further out.

Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by volgrimmer »

42rocker wrote:Looks and sounds interesting. Please keep us in the loop as how things are going.
Good Luck.

Later 42rocker
i will keep this forum updated with any new options we offer. thank you, volgrimmer

Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by volgrimmer »

flemgunner wrote:Nice dude Id really like to see that before welding up :wnana:

thanks flem. maybe later i might post pics of the halves in process, but not right now.

Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by volgrimmer »

i want to thank everyone here for the interest in this new product. we are machining receivers to fill the orders we have gotten already. i look forward to the feedback from those who have ordered.
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by zee10103 »

volgrimmer wrote:i want to thank everyone here for the interest in this new product. we are machining receivers to fill the orders we have gotten already. i look forward to the feedback from those who have ordered.
My order 660. Any Welding, riveting, mill work needed? Is the Barrel Gate 100% complete? All Buffer cuts out complete? Ratchet Plate attached? Hope Sissy is feeling better, TDL.
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by classicmachine »

The website


is showing these as out of stock. Did they sell out already?
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by www.Prussia.us »

I guess my question would be, is this the rear receiver half like before, or the whole upper and lower as one piece?

I just assumed that it was the rear halves as before, a whole receiver for $1450 and not dicking with fitting surplus parts is a "wise" move :D

Surely more will come, but too bad they waited so long........
“… corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, … until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”

- Abraham Lincoln (Republican), Nov. 21, 1864
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by classicmachine »

www.Prussia.us wrote:I guess my question would be, is this the rear receiver half like before, or the whole upper and lower as one piece?

I just assumed that it was the rear halves as before, a whole receiver for $1450 and not dicking with fitting surplus parts is a "wise" move :D

Surely more will come, but too bad they waited so long........
It looks like they are have two options available

Wise Lite is offering the Gen II in two different ways:

1) Gen II M53 Receiver welded with semi-auto features installed: $900 each

2) Gen II M53 Complete Receiver with shroud semi features installed as well as barrel bushing. This receiver is ready for your parts: $1450 each

Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by volgrimmer »

zee10103 wrote:
volgrimmer wrote:i want to thank everyone here for the interest in this new product. we are machining receivers to fill the orders we have gotten already. i look forward to the feedback from those who have ordered.
My order 660. Any Welding, riveting, mill work needed? Is the Barrel Gate 100% complete? All Buffer cuts out complete? Ratchet Plate attached? Hope Sissy is feeling better, TDL.
no welding needed, other than alter your bolt to semi auto, no mill work on the receiver, might need to do some minor fitting on your parts, ie bolt, barrel gate is 100%, just need to install your cam block, buffer cuts are complete, ratchet plate installed and charging handle groove cut, all you will need to do is shorten the charging handle tab that grabs the bolt per atf rules.

Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by volgrimmer »

classicmachine wrote:The website


is showing these as out of stock. Did they sell out already?
our website will show it out of stock, if you order yours will be made in the order it is received. we are machining receiver halves daily, so the first batch will be going out about the third week in march, then weekly thereafter.

Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by volgrimmer »

www.Prussia.us wrote:I guess my question would be, is this the rear receiver half like before, or the whole upper and lower as one piece?

I just assumed that it was the rear halves as before, a whole receiver for $1450 and not dicking with fitting surplus parts is a "wise" move :D

Surely more will come, but too bad they waited so long........
option 1 is just the rear receiver ready to weld onto your own shroud, all the machine work, and welding done on it, option 2 is the same with a barrel shroud welded on, with the barrel nut installed and welded, ready for your parts. we are looking at repopping the anti aircraft sight base for the yugo shrouds, to give them a more 42 look, and if a customer has a matching parts kit, or wants close copies of stamps, no i will not copy stamps exact, we can engrave that serial number into it, and add close copy stamps. i know some of the purist won't like this, but be aware we are not adding exact copies of stamps to pass it off as original, that would be unethical
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by zee10103 »

volgrimmer wrote:
zee10103 wrote:
volgrimmer wrote:i want to thank everyone here for the interest in this new product. we are machining receivers to fill the orders we have gotten already. i look forward to the feedback from those who have ordered.
My order 660. Any Welding, riveting, mill work needed? Is the Barrel Gate 100% complete? All Buffer cuts out complete? Ratchet Plate attached? Hope Sissy is feeling better, TDL.
no welding needed, other than alter your bolt to semi auto, no mill work on the receiver, might need to do some minor fitting on your parts, ie bolt, barrel gate is 100%, just need to install your cam block, buffer cuts are complete, ratchet plate installed and charging handle groove cut, all you will need to do is shorten the charging handle tab that grabs the bolt per atf rules.
Thank you for all the info. Yes, I would prefer you to Blue the Firearm before shipping. Call or email me with a turn key price. Will ship to local FFLE in Florida. When available, I will also one purchase the stand alone milled M53 Receiver.

Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by volgrimmer »

*update* i am no longer affiliated with wise lite arms, i do not agree with the direction the company is going. i wish everyone who have place orders good luck. i have heard the name century thrown around, not good.
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by 42rocker »

Interesting, very interesting.

Well good luck to all.

Brian at brp should be getting a few more calls.

Later 42rocker
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by anjongni »

Here we go again. Had our hopes up. It's been quite a roller-coaster ride. Was nice to have 'insider' at the factory. We enjoyed your updates and frank comments, Volgrimmer. Good luck to you...Phil
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Re: Wise Lite Arms new gen2 m53

Post by 1fozziebear »


Volgrimmer what is the status of my warranty work?????????? You were the contact I had on this.
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