German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

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Damien Horn
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German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by Damien Horn »

Here in Jersey, Channel Islands we have a group of guys who are into re-enacting in a small way. As we live on Island 9 miles by 5 that was Occupied for 5 years by the Germans we have to be a bit careful with what we do and when in German uniform. Our group leader has acquired a small bit of land where we have dug trenches, mg and mortar pits etc and we also have a number of vehicles which we use. Every year we have hold a number of events throughout the summer, all end in an evening bbq and sitting around the camp fire till dawn. At the end of the season we have our majorevent whereby we come up with a story and get it filmed by a good friend who owns Fortress Island Films. We have just done this years and if you go onto YouTube and type in "CI WW2 Living History Group in action" you will see the 12 minute film that came out of that days events. Its just a bit of fun and we try not to offend anyone locally. Its still a delicate issue here, but we are non political. I started collecting at the age of 7 when politics meant nothing to me, a gun was a gun and a german helmet was a german helmet.
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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by 42rocker »

On your own little island... That's nice.. Thanks for sharing the photo. If you could share a few more of the group and the vehicles that would be great.
Good Luck with everything..

Later 42rocker
Damien Horn
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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by Damien Horn »

Another pic for you to see.
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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by Damien Horn »

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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by Damien Horn »

Our leader with a couple of the girls.
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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by Damien Horn »

This was quite a shot to get, us dressed as Germans outside Government house here in Jersey. This is the residence of the the Lieutenant Governor of the Island who is the Queen's representative on the Island. Needless to say we took this early one Sunday morning.
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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by 42rocker »

A couple of vehicles you say, WOW.. Motorcycle with side car with mount with MG34 on it.
How can I talk the wife into vacation trip to Jersey in the Channel Islands???? LOL

Looks like you get to have fun with interesting equipment on the weekends. Please keep us updated, Thanks for sharing as much as you have.

Later 42rocker
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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by dwmmg08 »

Wow, that all looks great! And the girls look great! Wow!

You're lucky to be able to do that, congrats on having the drive and interest to do such a good job of it too!

:photos: :photos: :photos:

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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by dwmmg08 »

Wow, that all looks great! And the girls look great! Wow!

You're lucky to be able to do that, congrats on having the drive and interest to do such a good job of it too!

:photos: :photos: :photos:

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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by hakentt »

Again, it has to be an SS, I wonder why?
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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by Sd.kfz.173 »

hakentt wrote:Again, it has to be an SS, I wonder why?

Who Pissed in your wheaties anyway?!?!?!?!?.. Why do people re-enact the 101st Airborne,or the Rangers ??? Because they were the best of the best, Hard chargers who kicked ASS !!...Why don't you take your toys and go home!!!!
. Not everybody has an agenda as you seem to have...

Bill :read:
Damien Horn
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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by Damien Horn »

I guess the simple answer to why "ss"", if there needs to be one? Is that it was a matter of choice for the filming on the day. We can turn out in ordinary German infantry kit when we need to, as we did for the latest Channel Island Occupation 3 part documentary done by John Nettles (Aka, Bergerac) shown recently on Sky tv, or we can turn out as ww.2 Americans or even GulfAfghan war Americans complete with military Hummvee. We portray ourselves in a number of ways.We were first "ss" when we did a short film about the battle of Normandie, the vehicles were all painted up accordingly and that costs money so the theme I guess has stuck a little. There was little point in displaying as the 319 Infantry regiment which was here during the war as they basically never fired a shot in anger, there woould be a lot more sitting around the fire and drinking but that not really the aim either.
We are free to make the choice, as you were free to point out "ss again", but there are ways of doing it. I hope it hasn't ruined your day too much.
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Re: German re-enactment group in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Post by Bil »

I think he even spells out Social Security so he doesn't have to see those letters! :? SS SS SS all over the place. BTW-nice photos.I will have to check out you piece on Sky-we did the graphics and launch for them! ---bil
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