Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Just about anything goes but no MG42 or MG34 talk.
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by Bil »

JD7-don't mind him,he is generally harmless and will wander off eventually-just don't pay any attention.I am sure you have that sort over there too! :lol: ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert

Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by JD7 »

Thanks for the welcomes :D

Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by fredieusa »

Hello - New here.. Looking to buy a MG42 kit. I know very little of this gun.

why I like the MG42? It is a WWII gun. It sounds better than other guns of its time, in my opinion. Maybe due to the high rate of fire ..

I am in contact with Bullwinkle here. Most likely will be getting one of his.. I still have to read of on the 4 cut and the 3 cut stuff..
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by Bil »

Welcome!! :D The kits Bullwinkle has are very nice,both 3 and 4 cut.You can find all the info you need here,read the 'stickies' section and also the FAQ section on the home page,most of it is covered there.Lots in the old posts,too.Good luck with your kit project. ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).


Bil always underestimates me. And most people overestimate him. :mrgreen:
Knight's Armoury

Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by cptdarling501 »

Greetings from New Zealand! Yes, we are on your side!
Had a brief affair with my late Uncle's 308 MG42 back in the mid 90's in which a groundsheet got riddled during a run on when bolt experiments went wrong.
Now am in charge of getting a Yugo 53 running with blank.
I'm a re-enactor with a theatrical licence whichs means empty wallet at all events due to copious quanities of blank being expended.
The firearms laws are getting more draconian as the years go by due to policy not requiring a law to enact.
Worse is now nearly no one in the USA will export to here anymore due to changes in US laws.That and postage charges are now very high.
Top notch forum, more info on blank adapting 42's than I've ever seen in one place so a heartfelt thanks to them who gave.
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).


Welcome aboard!
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by man_am_boden »

Well i have been on here for a about a month or so and just noticed this place so i figured i would be like everyone else and say hi.
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by Bil »

Hello and welcome to you both! :D ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
Michael J

Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by Michael J »

Hmm, i never saw this thread... Well heck, i guess its never too late for an intro!
Umm lets see...

I am a 16 year old (well officially sept 28) highschool student entering grade 11. I live in, and am currently a Canadian citizen. Unfortunately, nobody at my gunclub, or anyone i really know is familiar with this little world of gun building from parts kits, SO i have learned and acquired all the rules and such on my own! To tell you the truth, i am far from having perfected the "Canadian law system", and ordered my m53 parts "on a wing" hoping that they would pass customs! A $400 investment (less customs taxes and shipping) i will never regret.

I suppose i was introduced to this whole "craze", known as shooting, early on. Having a Filipino mother, has opened up the doors to traveling to a 3rd world country every now and then! Given the larger dis-regard for rules around there, i have had the opportunity to shoot at a very young age. I have been exposed to machine guns collected and owned by family, and one of my uncles is even a (licensed) firearms dealer! A friend of the family also owns the rights to manufacture Smith & Wesson firearms, and had a chance to look at their factory.

I am also the proud (unofficial) owner of a (somewhat pathetic) .22 Henry lever-action. Because i have not yet reached that magical age of 18, i have convinced my mother to obtain a license to buy me guns. I passed the testing with 100%, she barely passed, but she got her license! I on the otherhand am waiting til that magical day i turn 18, to fill out the paperwork to get my license.

Aside from guns, i like cars. I currently have a crappy '95 silverado that eats gas worse than a drag car! However i plan to sell it, and buy myself a *cough* cheap, run down *cough* musclecar. Or if i can convince my dad that a musclecar would bring back fond memories, then i plan to buy myself a running (no guarantee on condition) 1969/70 Mach 1.

AND... thats about it! However, please do disregard my age when it comes to talking to me, as i am young, not a dipsh*t :lol:. What i don't know already i will learn, and what i do learn, i absorb like a sponge, and should only need to be told once (if told properly, and clearly).

- Michael
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).


Welcome Michael J. Yeah you are young, but the cool thing is you'll have longer to enjoy the road doing the things you love best. You're ahead of the pack having a .22 Winchester at age 16.

I grew up in a residential area where a sling shot was verboten. Didn't shoot a rifle until age 24, where I qualified sharpshooter with a M-14 at Camp Smith at West Point. So, to make up for lost time, I bought a MG-42. From slum to palace in one move.

Now I hang out with these guys and do the best thing in life next to... (oh.. you have yet to do that too..), talk shop! Lots of friends here who all enjoy owning, restoring, or building less expensive semi-auto versions of some of the most exciting historical gun ever created.
Knight's Armoury
Michael J

Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by Michael J »

DARIVS ARCHITECTVS wrote:Welcome Michael J. Yeah you are young, but the cool thing is you'll have longer to enjoy the road doing the things you love best. You're ahead of the pack having a .22 Winchester at age 16.

I grew up in a residential area where a sling shot was verboten. Didn't shoot a rifle until age 24, where I qualified sharpshooter with a M-14 at Camp Smith at West Point. So, to make up for lost time, I bought a MG-42. From slum to palace in one move.

Now I hang out with these guys and do the best thing in life next to... (oh.. you have yet to do that too..), talk shop! Lots of friends here who all enjoy owning, restoring, or building less expensive semi-auto versions of some of the most exciting historical gun ever created.
It's sad that nowadays up here, owning things like average "hunting rifles" is taboo. Let alone a "machine gun-looking" semi auto! My local gun club volunteers their time to teach firearms safety to the local highschool (not my school unfortunately), but the firearm community is dying with every generation. Heck, that gunclub is literally on the other side of the highschool's football field, but i believe only 1 or 2 students even go to the club to shoot!
I think people are just afraid to be associated with guns, luckily my best friend's father hunts, so atleast my friend is fairly exposed to firearms.

Most of the crowds now-a-days are being lost to airsoft and paintball, and anyone associated with real guns becomes a suspect of paranoia among the local population!

Anyways, enough ranting... I can't wait to get my precious up and running! I can't imagine it to be done before christmas, as unlike you successfully Employed adults, i make $8 an hour, and most of my major cash/items come from birthday and christmas gifts :lol: :lol: :lol:! I also have a driving course to worry about in the next couple months (which just happens to also be fairly expensive), and getting my learners license :D.

>:ot:< I wonder if my local laws will allow me to mount my M53 when its done, onto the back of my truck! :lol: >:ot:<
I'm pretty sure i can doubt that, but ah well...

Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by triggerhappy »

hi guys. new to the site. i've been building ak's for while now but am ready to move on a bit. just got my first mg53 kit and coldsteel 80%. found out about this site through another build site and signed up. plenty of questions, so i'm sure i'll get to know a bunch of people really quick.

Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by triggerhappy »

can anybody fill me in on how to send pm's or look up members? every time i try all i see is a blank screen. thanks.
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by Bil »

Welcome aboard! :D To send PMs,just go to a post by the person you want to send to.The bottom line under their name is a little box with PM there,and the message page should come up. To find someone-if you know the name they go by,type it into the search box-search is your best friend here!
(not really,but you will get use4d to hearing that) The long way is to click on 'members' in the top right,there are all the members listed. Also,if you click on a persons name in a post,it should take you to their info page,there is a place there to send messages.Let me know if you still need help.The site crashed a while ago and some stuff is still funny at times! (mostly DA) ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by Sd.kfz.173 »

triggerhappy wrote:hi guys. new to the site. i've been building ak's for while now but am ready to move on a bit. just got my first mg53 kit and coldsteel 80%. found out about this site through another build site and signed up. plenty of questions, so i'm sure i'll get to know a bunch of people really quick.

Welcome to the site! :welcome: This is THE best site for MG42/M53 info, Guys answered a lot of questions that I had and helped me get my M53 up and running :wnana: Built mine with the cold steel receiver, so if I can help, let me know. Again WELCOME :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by oscardeuce »

I too have a few things to sell. I will post some pictures of my collection.
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by oscardeuce »

I have a M3-A1 White Scout Car, DUKW, Quad .50 mount and trailer, Cessna O2-A Viet Nam veteran warbird, 1955 Chevy Bel Air convertible, 1977 Trans Am, M-38 Jeep, M-37, M-43, Chinese knock off of WWII German motorcycle with side car, General Electric 5 foot carbon arc searchlight from WWII.
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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by oscardeuce »

Scout Car:



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Re: Introductions (or one way to increase your post count).

Post by oscardeuce »

55 Chevy


Cessna O2-A

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