Lafette 34 question

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Lafette 34 question

Post by Sturmgewehr83 »

I have a Norwegian Mg3 converted Lafette 34 tripod and there is a little welded piece on the right side of the cradle showed on this pictures:

Does anyone know what this thing is there for?
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Re: Lafette 34 question

Post by MCP »

I don't have my references at work, but that is either for the semiauto firing of the MG34 or for adjustment. I'll look a bit later and make my corrections.
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Re: Lafette 34 question

Post by Ed S »

The manual says that is holds parts of the trigger.

Re: Lafette 34 question

Post by Sturmgewehr83 »

Ok, thanks guys :D
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Re: Lafette 34 question

Post by bergflak »

It holds the trigger parts in place.
Why do you conclude it is a MG conversion from Norway?
Several details are more MG42 like!
-The bolted on shell tray (as opposed to the riveted) was only used from 1943 and onwards (and the lafette 34 production went downhill from 1942).
-The release lever is situated on the underside of the craddle
-The rear mount for the buffer tube is sheet metal, and not forged steel.
-color looks more Austrian postwar to me, especially since the search fire appears to be black
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Re: Lafette 34 question

Post by Bil »

Is there anywhere a list of changes and modifications that would help identify and date the lafettes? I realize that a lot of this was done in the field,and some of it would be onee-off.But when the 'official' mods were made,and also differances between various post-war users.Thanks. ---bil
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Re: Lafette 34 question

Post by Sturmgewehr83 »

Bergflak; The Lafette on the picture is not mine, it`s one of the Yugoslavian ones they sell. The one I have is a Norwegian converted with black fake leather pads, and ugly OD green paint. Removed the fake leather pads today as I`m restoring it, and found the original dark black grey color on the metal underneath. The data plate is the original German one :)
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Re: Lafette 34 question

Post by JBaum »

Inside that cover there are two levers with springs and rods which are part of the trigger assembly. They allow the cradle to recoil while the trigger remains pulled on the gun. The internal parts are pictured in the MG34 lafette manual. The MG34 and 42 lafettes are identical except for the way the gun is held in the mount, so they only made a manual for the MG34 lafette, and used it for the MG42 lafette as well.
John@German<remove this>
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