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Mg42 wood stock ww2 german

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:23 pm
by schmisser
:wnana: I have wanted to know how the original stocks were made? I know 98k stocks were pressed out of pieces of beech wood and glued in a mold with red or white resin. I have never seen a mg 42 stock that was made in this fashion. I have not seen a oak made stock either. The most common made stock had a ivg44 mark with eagle. How many manufactuers made wood stocks? How many were made by other companies?

Re: Mg42 wood stock ww2 german

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:07 pm
by 42rocker
Another area of interest to me. Anyone have any info, thoughts on this subject?
There were a few minor postings on a few things. Wire wrap 4 or 5 times, German / yugo. Slightly different in the top shape / shark vs dolphn.
And of course how they were made.

Later 42rocker

Re: Mg42 wood stock ww2 german

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 12:28 am
by Chuck42
I think they were made with miters on a jig to guide them for consistency. Almost like a computorless cnc. Then finished out by handsanding. The differences come from the different factories that made them for WW2 each factory had its own unique shape.
Thats my guess.

Re: Mg42 wood stock ww2 german

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 5:10 pm
by Abominog
I’m not sold on the number of wraps. I have German shaped stocks with more than six wraps. Ok maybe early yugo stocks were copies of the German shape. I doubt we will ever know.

Re: Mg42 wood stock ww2 german

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 10:16 pm
by Chuck42
Abominog wrote:I’m not sold on the number of wraps. I have German shaped stocks with more than six wraps. Ok maybe early yugo stocks were copies of the German shape. I doubt we will ever know.
Agreed, I had a supposed yugo stock with six wraps that had the solid german button and also had been reserialized from a 4 digit to a 5 digit number. I would not be surprised if the yugos reworked and rewrapped a lot of german stocks. I thought it was yugo though because of how crude the cuts in the back were its like someone had marked them out with a pencil and cut them with a hand saw. So I didnt believe it was world war 2 until I saw a ww2 photo with an mg that had those same crude cuts. I think those particular stocks were on late steyr guns.

Re: Mg42 wood stock ww2 german

Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 11:36 pm
by Chuck42
Here's one I found that I know is WW2 that has six wraps that may have been re wrapped or original. Has what I can make out as hvq 43 with whats left of waffenamp.