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MG42 Live fire point of aim-point of impact

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:20 pm
by bjrmg
Several years ago-more than 10- shot 2 different MG42's several times at the Allison Ranch MG Shoot in Texas. 100-300 meters guns shot 1'- 2' high at 100 and 3'-4' from point of aim on a MG3 mount; everything attached properly. From prone with proper-body-bipod position it shot 1/2m to 1m high at 100m and 2m-3m high from point of aim. Both guns shot similar groups. Is the quote, " Aim between the ankles and knees." to avoid shooting too high. correct for proper aiming technique? Notice in YouTube vids it shows muzzle rise at first few rounds then stabilizes at the end of the burst on tripod. More weight of gun on bipod in prone seems to rise less from proper hold. Any body have any similar experiences? Just asking. Thanks. JR Houston Texas

Re: MG42 Live fire point of aim-point of impact

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:14 pm
by JBaum
Were the guns rewelds? It doesn't take much of a misalignment in the gun to move things several feet at a distance.

Re: MG42 Live fire point of aim-point of impact

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:08 pm
by bjrmg
As I recall both guns were post samples, early sawcut well behind camming piece-trunion-4" piece was rewelded to rear-Numerich kits maybe. Ammo was 70's 150gr Romanian. JR

Re: MG42 Live fire point of aim-point of impact

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:42 pm
by JBaum
I'd suggest as a guess that there were a few edges that weren't straight on those guns. I'm sure the Germans didn't have guns that shot that far off... but the Germans weren't shooting Romanian loads, either. That could be it or at least part of it.