New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

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New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by radar645 »

I'm new to the forum and have a few questions I was hoping you guys could help me with. I'm new to this semi-auto M53 but have experience with a 1919A4 semi-auto. I purchased the deluxe 308 conversion kit from RTG parts in AZ. I want to run straight 308 due the fact that I have very little 8mm and the Browning is in 308. Any things I should know or lookout for in making the conversion. Also I understand the new Gen 2 M53's use the full length recoil spring is this correct ? How about belts I ordered MG3-42-HK21 50RD AMMO Belts from RTG parts can I also run the US M13 links when I us the MG3 top cover ? Also I'm a little confused on loading the gun does the bolt have to be at the read or in the forward position when loading the belt in the gun ? Really appreciate any and all help, happy to have joined up. Thanks
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Re: New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by JBaum »

Welcome to the group. Am I to understand that Wiselite still doesn't have an instruction manual with the gun? They contacted me about doing a manual for them, and I told them I'd do a manual for their gun. Then they never sent me any information about what they wanted in it. An expensive gun deserves a manual to keep people from screwing up the gun. It's not like its an AK or AR.

Yes, the bolt should be to the rear when you lay in the belt. Having the bolt rearward stops the pressure plate from being bent when the top cover is closed. The pressure plate is the finger that directs the cartridge toward the chamber when the bolt comes forward. If the bolt is forward and a cartridge is above the bolt when you try to close the top cover, the finger can't push the cartridge down (because the bolt is in the way) and it gets bent. The gun doesn't feed correctly after that.

M13 links work with the MG3 top cover and feed tray. It's best to use a starter tab when you use M13 links. With normal belts, leave the first 3 links empty so you can use them to hold the belt in place when you close the cover.

You can tell if the recoil spring is cut because it will not have a few close-together coils on one end.
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Re: New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by radar645 »

John thanks for the info, I have purchased several of your manuals in the past and have always found them very informative. No manual with the Wise Lite M53 :( !!! , I know you have been asked this a 1,000 times which of your manuals would your recommend as a must have for the Wise Lite M53 gun ? Thanks
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Re: New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by Der Alder »


For the MG3 top cover to run M13 links you need an "0" marked feed pawl, those can run DM-1 belts, DM-6 links or M13 links.

If unmarked it is probably the older type and will likely only run the DM-1 belts and DM-6 links.

It's an easy swap and a $25 part. I upgraded both of mine with this: ... 2p2498.htm

I used to run links, the DM-6 type is my favorite, but got tired of picking them up, so now I just run belts most of the time.

The charging process for a semi is a bit different, if you do a search there are several threads on it.
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Re: New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by WhitePatriot77 »

:cheer: the mg3 feedtray that does nato links has a special feed cover as well.There is a springloaded H shaped belt catch so when you pull a loaded belt through you get the first round to catch it and stop ,pull no more,the spot over the feedtray will still be empty,you can then rack the handle and chamber a cartrige(this only works like this with new setup).
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Re: New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by WhitePatriot77 »

the Mg3 the M118 nato links has a drum/box.bracket and a spring loaded H that locks the bottom of belts.When you insert a belt with the topcover down pull through only till that spring loaded H locks the first round.the first spot on the feedtray will still be empty,cockthe charging handle and the bolt will go back and move the first round to be striked from belt.This is the easiest way to load without having to raise the topcover to load it and not having to figure how to keep action open.Call rtg they will set you up.
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Re: New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by JBaum »

radar645 wrote:John thanks for the info, I have purchased several of your manuals in the past and have always found them very informative. No manual with the Wise Lite M53 :( !!! , I know you have been asked this a 1,000 times which of your manuals would your recommend as a must have for the Wise Lite M53 gun ? Thanks
I have no manual made specifically for the Wiselite/semi auto guns. The bolt and trigger group are different from the original when it's a semi. The main functional difference is they need loaded with the bolt held back.

The single best manual I have for the MG42 in general is the HDv 241. Things other than the above listed few will all apply to the gun whether semi or full auto, such as feed operation, barrel operation, loading/care of the belts and barrels, etc.
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Re: New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by radar645 »

Thanks to everyone so , I appreciate all the help.
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Re: New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by WhitePatriot77 »

John has the very best manuals,I have several,If you have a shooting platform like a Lafette,buy the apropriate manual,he has a couple,If your going to run 7.62 ammo and disentegrating links Get his Manual for the MG3,it has everything your asking about it just dont cover the Semi Bolt and gripstick.Those are different animals,but the manuals are well worth the money.We invest soo mu h in these guns,whats the cost of a manual.Gurantee they will answer many questions you never thought to ask as well as just knowing what NOT to do will save money & frustration from making a repair on somthing that could be prevented.I almost didnt buy a manual because the hours i spent between different sites like this one I thought I knew it all and didnt need it.Then my buddy another builder said "hey cheapo,you spend thousands on your 2 42s and mg3,you have platforms and accessories and you didnt spend $25 on a book?" Made sense,he recommended Johns book and I bought it,and since then 3 more.I suggest getting one,you will end up getting all of them ,we all do.You will see design defferences and some will be explained and why.Tons of troubleshooting info still good stuff in there for semis.John if your out there ,your books rock,thanks for taking the time to translate these because if it wasnt for you half the info we share for free wouldnt be availiable for us to share
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Re: New owner of Wise Lite M53 Gen2

Post by JBaum »

When I bought my MG42, I asked 5 people how it worked, and got 5 different answers. As it turned out, all of them were wrong. People didn't understand the gun, and were repeated incorrect information they had been hearing over the years.

When I translated the first manual (60 pages in 3 months), suddenly everyone wanted to buy a copy. I had no idea it was going to be that popular. The need was there, so I kept at it.

It's nice to have my work appreciated, and I've made hundreds of friends in the process. :)
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