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MG-42 Receiver Jig..

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:48 am
by BernieT
Hello MG42 Builders..!
I was out in Pittsburgh this past week and happened to look at RTG parts, there i found what i needed,, a 42' receiver repair jig..!!, I didn't have my Credit Card of guns with me,,,so i waited till i returned to Colorado, and poof it's gone.. I am asking if anyone has one i could use, I will pay freight, and give a tin of 8mm romy for using it.. or trade 4 tins for it...
Thank You..

Re: MG-42 Receiver Jig..

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:13 am
by JBaum
Pittsburgh??? Did you mean Phoenix? :)

Re: MG-42 Receiver Jig..

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:04 pm
by BernieT
HA...!,,I see,, no I was indeed in Pittsburgh, smart phone and the good old Internet connected me to RTG,,! I am still lloking for that Receiver Jig..!!, Thank You...!

Re: MG-42 Receiver Jig..

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:56 am
by 42rocker
It's an interesting rig. I have one and I'm sure that I will find more use for it someday. Personally I think that if your checking a lot of mg42 style weapons out it might be useful, but.... Heavy and takes up floor space. Will keep it for my collection but.... Think this one over. If you get the chance to buy one cheap and don't have to pay shipping then, but...
Lots of other things that I would buy before that, like a lafette.

Later 42rocker