80 % reciever blanks

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80 % reciever blanks

Post by Poundfoolish »

Any one ever put eyes on one of those Southern Trading 80% recievers? Are they worth the effort? Is S/T still in business?
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Post by 762x51 »

Stay as far away from Southern Tradings as you can - Nothing but junk..

Check out the BOI on http://www.subguns.com and do a search through the archives for Southern Tradings or Earl Jones - The owner.

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Post by TOM R »

reciever for what?
Great men are born in fire, it is the privilege of lessor men to light the flame, no matter the cost

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Post by panaceabeachbum »

I notice next to his 80% mg42 rec it now says DISCOUNTINUED , its at the bottom of the rec page right above the legalize weed banner .... which should give a good indicator
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Post by TOM R »

so what is it a 80% rear like philly ord? :link: always curious to see whats out there, even if it is no good :D
Great men are born in fire, it is the privilege of lessor men to light the flame, no matter the cost

nra lifer
mvpa 31698
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Seeing what this guy sells !!!!

Post by oldiron »

I have never bought anything from this guy but have seem more posts of disgruntled buyers that from anyone else on the internet-- Complaints if they were posted on this website would overload the server-- Anyway if he was selling it it was probably a piece of conduit or a piece of square tubing or something like that with Extensive
"" Modification"" instructions-- his banner at the bottom of his page is correct -- the SXXX he smokes enables him to rip off people without a conscience !!
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Post by panaceabeachbum »

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Post by 762x51 »

"It is well that war is so terrible -- lest we should grow too fond of it." Gen. R.E. Lee CSA
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79.9 %reciever blanks

Post by Poundfoolish »

Hre's the website I found him at: oldrebel@netscape.net I tried to call him to let him defend himself. I couldn't get through.
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Re: 79.9 %reciever blanks

Post by 762x51 »

Poundfoolish wrote:Gents,
I tried to call him to let him defend himself.
Pennywise and Poundfoolish -

Why bother?

You still want to do business with this guy after reading ANY of the the above? Amazing.......

"It is well that war is so terrible -- lest we should grow too fond of it." Gen. R.E. Lee CSA
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This Mope !!!

Post by oldiron »

Told you so !!!! and that is only a dribble of what he has done to people !! I saw a whole bunch on complaints about his 80% reciever kits -- Which in turn was a piece of cheap muffler tubing-- that is all--- 5 whole inches ---for $35.00 or something-- Scammers should take courses from him !! Take a look at this-- I can't stop laughing at this guy !!! This is from an old post and is a classic !! He rips people off for their money and look at his excuse; it is almost as poor as his non-existant tubes and workmanship!!!

Re: Southern Trading's poor service

Posted By: oldrebel <eawebb@ardmore.net>
Date: 11/24/02 00:50

In Response To: Re: Southern Trading's poor service (George Kekenes)

Well, I guess that I can file a lawsuit against you for slander since your producst have been shipped out!!! I have had 3 deaths in my family you jerk!!!! That is why my shipment are behind!!! I hope you never have the same problem, but if you do, I hope you understand that somethings are beyond a persons control.

I would suggest that anyone sending money to him should first get a check-up from the local psychiatrist, after that send money to Mr. Webb so he can go back to school and learn to spell so we can understand what he is talking about !! :-P :-P :-P :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Post by 1942 »

Any one ever see or work with a philly ord. 80% receiver? Is it worth the money and are they heat treated?

Philadelphia ordnance--

Post by oldiron »

Their work is great but no they aren't heat treated and it would be a major job to complete anything they make into a shooting or blank firearm-- Remember that if it will shoot blanks reliably it will shoot real ammunition also Blank guns are the hardest to make function !! They do a good job but you are getting a nice item for your money-- A little heavy but real nice !!
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