Here ya go. I added 1c, 12a, 12b, 17a, and 27a, and part 26 wasn't numbered on the picture, so I fixed it. I also resized the picture so that it will print easily on a standard letter sheet of paper (landscape).
Part 18 is technically the Barrel with Locking Piece, but everyone calls it the Barrel Extension, so I'm not going to reinvent the wheel here.
Last edited by JBaum on Sun Dec 03, 2006 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
we've needed a stickie thread like this for a long time . Now new comers can become familiar with their parts kits and be able to ask questions with standardized part names.
If you don't mind , I'm going to add a few diagrams I've found scattered on this sight into this one thread for easy reference. I wouldn't be the least surprised if at least half of them Jbaum's posted here originally.
While having these diagrams is a great reference they can not substitute for OWNING a few of his manuals .
A wall poster cutaway view of the MG42
A close up view of a MG42 receiver and parts commonly attached to it. doesn't including the recuperatoras usual ?
A print of the rear section of the receiver
Cutaway diagram blueprint of a MG42
Basic layout of a MG42
A diagram showing the subsections of the MG42
"good , bad, .....I'm the man with the gun."
Its amazing anything works right around here with a bunch of
over-age juvenile delinquents running the place.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
John Newton (1725-1807)
____________________________________________ "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
George Orwell
____________________________________________ "I once was one of those men."
Hi, can you e-mail me the first and fourth diagrams? The right sides are cut off and it was the same way when I tried saving them to my desk top. Also, do you have legends to go with the other diagrams that have the parts numbered on them? If this information is already posted somewhere else, I apologize and ask that you please direct me to it. I'm new to this and have a buch of parts that I want to make sure I know what they are.
, I have a couple of MG3 Armorer's repair kits and they have a bunch of bolt parts in them. The parts match up with the Regular Bolt diagram. Do you know if the firing pin, extractor, extractor spring and ejector are the same on both? They appear to be the same in the diagrams and they look the same to me as those that are on the Heavy Bolt that I have with all of my build parts. The only part that looks different is the little piece between the extractor and the spring. Like in the diagrams, it is the same as the one in the Regular Bolt diagram.
Aha! I found the legends, at least for the bolts which is what I was really looking for right now. And of all places, who would've thought I would find those in the "Bolt Tutorial" post?! Duh! It looks like the only parts that aren't interchangeable are the Extractor Plungers. Cool! I reckon somebody out there can use 'em.