questions for 07ffl/sot's

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questions for 07ffl/sot's

Post by none123 »

ok so i'm throwing around the idea of trying to get my 07ffl and SOT and I have a few questions.

my goal is to have the bulk of the business in supressor manufacture and sales. i allready have a industrial zoned location to use so thats taken care of (i think)

1. In your expirence how hard is getting compliant with EPA regs?
2. How much of a hassle is it really geting the 07 and SOT?
3. The local atf branch told a friend that a 07/sot needed a demo letter to manufacture anything FA (when he was inquiring about getting a 07/SOT) seemt to go aganst regular ATF regs. opnions on this?
4 Does one need a 01 ffl to get a 07ffl? I have read that you do but this statement from the atf website seems to say otherwise "Does an importer or manufacturer of firearms also need a dealer's license? No, as long as he is engaged in business at his licensed premises in the same type of firearms authorized by his license. [27 CFR 178.41(b)]"
5. The way i understand it you have to show that you are a legit business and not just using the 07/SOT to add to your collection. so you have to show a profit...or do you just have to show that you are selling things i assume it's going to take me a bit of time to come up w/ a satisfactory supressor so how do i show a profit when i'm still doing RandD?
6. does a "storage facility" I.E. place to store completed NFA items and completed non nfa "guns" have to be at the same address listed on the ffl?
7. Can a 07/SOT purchase pre may dealer samples?
8. Do you have any advice for somone thinking about getting a 07ffl/SOT

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