What would be the proper course of action

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What would be the proper course of action

Post by JustinMG42 »

Say you owned a gunsmith shop for service and a guy came in with a Browning MG and after closer examination you find the denial island is milled off. Considering the guy isn't a Manufacturer what would be the appropriate course of action.
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Re: What would be the proper course of action

Post by salt6 »

It would be considered an MG. You would need to report him to the law enforcement. Otherwise you and the shop could be considered as co conspirators in the manufacture of an illegal MG.
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Re: What would be the proper course of action

Post by JBaum »

Ask to see his ATF ID. Sounds like a setup.

For simply walking into your shop with an illegal MG doesn't make you part of his mess. Just say that it's an illegal MG, and tell him you're walking to the back room to call the cops. If' he's still there when you come out, he's a cop.
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Re: What would be the proper course of action

Post by 42rocker »

Try to make sure your prints are not on it when it leaves. I'm guessing that it will be leaving as I'm sure your going to do something like John (above post) is telling you to do. Now if you took it in to be worked on and it's in your book then it's simple, RUN to the phone and do what salt6 has said to do. Call the batf/atf asap. Hopefully before they call on you. If you put it in your book you really need to drop that dime and then inform them that you did not know till after you looked at it. Sorry if it's a friend, but what type of a friend sets you up for a up to 5 year jail term and of course about $25,000 in fines, now lets talk legal fees of course. It's bad when you mill off that denial island. Because CLEAR intent has now been shown as you can't go back.
Hope to see another post from you in the next few days as that means your not in jail. Good Luck on this one.

Later 42rocker

Re: What would be the proper course of action

Post by JustinMG42 »

I called ATF before he even left the shop. They sent local police to hold him till they got there. From what i heard after the fact a guy sold it to him in its current state (milled denial island) claiming it to be a SA.
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Re: What would be the proper course of action

Post by 42rocker »

Hope that he has a receipt showing who he got it from stated that it's a semi auto. I also hope that it had the semi auto parts in it which might help his story out a little bit.
But I'm happy that your not heading to jail and seeing your other posts on Navel marked mg42's means something.

My thoughts are, it hurt but you did the right thing and protected yourself and your family.

Later 42rocker
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Re: What would be the proper course of action

Post by drooling idiot »

when I was gathering parts to build my SA 1919 i ordered a semi-auto 80% plate from a well known manufacturer. I opened the box the day it arrived, looking into the box the inside of the plate was face up..... with no islands. They sent me a flat full auto plate by mistake.
Closed the box immediately without ever touching the plate and had to convince the maker it was FA and to take it back. wouldn't pay return shipping (never did) or sent out another plate until he received the first one.

Scared the hell out of me that some minor mistake by someone else could of caused a felony conviction of me. ................................................................ IAW
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Re: What would be the proper course of action

Post by www.Prussia.us »

That is why I always thought it is ironic that politicians vilify semi-belt feds (they are easy targets) and the homebuilding community in general. When we are the MOST careful of all the gun owners I know. We follow the letter of the law, go out of our way to destroy historic parts so that they are legal and not "readily restorable" to full auto, and only fire semi auto; in a normal world the government would give us accolades, not harassment.
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