m76 reweld question turns to "once a mg always a mg po

How not to see club fed.
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Post by Colorado1919 »


You are Right. Ben Franklin said at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Indepdance "we can all hang togther for we surely all hang separately." The nra talks about how we can 'die the death of a thousand cuts' and part of that death is thier comprimising. Why haven't found some way to get congress to stop the barrel ban. We onthe DARK SIDE (I don't know who first saud that about us but i like it) need to stick together. We have to find some way to convince not only outsiders but our own. I for one have to admit that I'm not sure how but know we need to figure it out... BEFORE IT IS TO LATE
As for off topic Isn,t it all the same thing. One guy was saying you can't because he doesn't like what we are doing.

Belt-feeders does not = bottom-feeders.

I was in the nra when they Comprimised our MGs away in 1986.
Happiness is a WARM beltfed.

"I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I always was." Toby Keith

Live to shoot, shoot to live.

Belt-feeders does not = bottom-feeders.
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