The Battery Box for the MGZ light system worked off of X3 4.5v (volt) Batteries.
The same Battery as used in a WWII Basic German hand held light.
The original style WWII German Batteries are getting very difficult to find.
Bergflak Has a 4.5v Battery adapter for sale.
This looks like the real battery, but opens up to hold 3 AAA Batteries
inside one adapter. They even have a correct looking WWII German product
sticker on them !
You will need 3 Adapters , and a total of 9 AAA batteries, I was told that you can
run on less Battery power (Adapters) , but your light will be dimmer and your AAA
Batteries will not last as long. They originally used X3 4.5v Batteries.
The Batteries are ran in parallel , so it doesn't make a difference which Brass blade
touches which contact in your MGZ Battery system box , as long as the Batteries
are All (+) on one side and All (-) on the other side.
You can find bergflak at :
Look on his : Items For Sale tab , in the MG section .