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Does anyone have the manual for the dual AA mount?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:15 pm
I just received mine and I want to make sure I got all the parts. So even if it's in German, it doesn't matter since I just want to look at some pictures/diagrams.

I am especially curious to figure out how the MG42 attaches. I didn't have a receiver to mate to it but I didn't see initially how it would attach without a further adaptor of some sort. Then again, I was looking at it for only a minute before heaving it off the back end of a pick up truck. Hardly a scientific study.

Also, wondering about how the triggers are activated. I saw the lever on the right marked "F" and "S", which toggles the "lobster claws" on both sides but I was wondering if that was enough to hit the triggers.

Has anyone here fired from this mount yet?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:32 pm
by TOM R

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:21 pm
by JBaum
If it's an original WW2 zwillingssockel (twin mount), then the only source for a copy of a manual I would know of is Ryan Schnee at but I think what he has is for the MG34. Everything would be the same except the mount for the gun itself. The buttstocks are not installed when mounted on the zwillingssockel. The operation of the levers and such are detailed in the Butz manual I've translated.

Ryan has one he is restoring, with the original IF 5 trailer that you see it mounted on in all the pictures.

More likely:

For a later model twin mount, there's a guy in Germany who sells photocopies of the 1975 manual for about $5.00 + postage. Of course, they're in German, and there aren't enough of them around to make it worth while spending 3 weeks translating the manual, but I could do a couple paragraphs if interested.

His email is

here's the description of the 1975 manual.

Bundeswehr-GAF T.O. 11W2-6KKA1-1 “Fliegerabwehr-Zwillingssockellafette für MG“ von 1975.
Dieses Technische Handbuch ist für Bedienung, Wartung und Instanndsetzung der MG-Zwillingssockellafette mit Dreifuß-Ausleger Tkz 100343 gedacht und beinhaltet: Technische Angaben, Einzelteile, Zubehör, Ingebrauchnahme, Waffen aufsetzen, Laden & Schießen, Abbau, Pflege & Wartung, Fristenplan, Instandsetzung, Reparaturen, usw.
Da bleibt keine Frage mehr offen, da jedes Detail abgebildet ist und man auf den Explosionszeichnungen gut sehen kann, wo jedes Teil hingehört.
32 Seiten DinA4 mit knapp 60 sehr guten und detaillierten Abbildungen.
4,- EUR

Quick translateion is:

Bundeswehr Aircraft defense twin mount for the MG from 1975
This technical handbook is for the use, service and repair of the twin mount with tripod legs.
Technical data, individual parts, accessories, setup, weapon installation, loading and shooting, disassembly, maintenance, and repair, blueprints (rough translation, more likely parts drawings), repairs, etc.
Looks like it has exploded diagrams.
32 pages, size Din A4 (about 8.25 x 11.75") with about 60 very good detailed drawings.
4 euros (about $5).

The guy is good to deal with, and if I remember right, he takes paypal. Remember, this is a photocopy, and I've had varying quality from him. The copies are sheets of paper that are stapled together in the corner, not like the manuals I turn out.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:22 am
Yes, John, it's a post war German dual mount. It's the one that's been making the rounds for the past year or so (Tapco, IO, Cole).

I very much appreciate the lead on the manual.

I guess for $5 there's not much harm in ordering it.

Has anyone here actually used one of the mounts yet?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:37 am
Want to see something funny? I put the manual description into one of the free translation websites. You can at least get the drift. Here it is:

Federal Armed Forces-GAF T. O. 11W2-6KKA1-1 “Fliegerabwehr-Zwillingssockellafette for MG“ of 1975. This technical handbook are thought for operation, maintenance and Instanndsetzung of the MG-Zwillingssockellafette with three foot-interpreter Tkz 100343 and is included: technical statements, component, accessories, initial operation, weapons mount, store & shooting, dismantling, care & maintenance, time periods plan, restoration, repairs, etc.. There no more question remains openly because each detail is duplicated and can see one on the explosion drawings well where each part listened. 32 sides DINA4 with tightly
60 very good and detailed images. 4,- EUR

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:09 pm
by JBaum
so are you saying my translation was OK, or what??? hahahahaha I just read through and typed as I went.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:15 pm
John, I loved the "three foot interpreter" that the translation site gave me instead of "tripod". :)

Yours was definitely better.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:40 am
by JBaum
actually, the interpretation that you had was one of the best I've seen. I used a $400 program to type in some german from a manual.... what came out was totally unusable. besides being the wrong translation of some of the words, it didn't come close to what was said. I'm glad the program was only a "demo copy" ahem.... worthless. I started with dictionaries and remembered the words I looked up. After 20 manuals, I've gotten pretty quick at it, but the graphics and setup still take a lot of time.

I just finished the manual for the 98k rifle. The older the manual, the more flowery the writing. I spent 3 times longer on that 43 page manual than I spent on the 90 page MG42 manual I just did. The older the manual, the worse it is to translate.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:27 pm
Here is picture of a dual mount. It's a little closer than others I've seen. Very cool.


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:31 pm
From the picture, it looks like the guy has his hands on the grips and his fingers in the trigger guards. Maybe the weapons are fired with good ole fingers in this mount.