MGZ40 Optics Questions.

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MGZ40 Optics Questions.

Post by Blanksguy »

Would like to find a little assistance with information on MGZ40 Optics.

As the photos below show......there are some differences in both manufacture and parts.......are MGZ40 Optics broken down by "Models"....or "Versions"........or are these just different manufacturers versions and part-changes as the war progressed (?). Please view the area/parts at the "elevation-knob-assembly".....and the bottom photo showing this area with a removable plate w/screws around the "window".
I was also told years ago that the French not only re-built some MGZ40-Optics (turning the data-plate-around prior to painting), but also manufactured some MGZ40-Optics-Sets post-war......and possibly marked these in a different way (?).
I only know of the markings on the "Data-Plate" at the rear of the Optic-Head.....and of the markings "Libelle" and "Gelandewinkel" engraved on the body near the elevation-assembly.
How do you tell if the MGZ40 is a French manufactured MGZ40, or "re-built" MGZ40 by the French post-war (?).

Photos and information would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, RichardS
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Re: MGZ40 Optics Questions.

Post by FESTUNG29 »

Pictures of BLANKSGUY come from my collection.


There were three versions of 40 MGZ.
1 - The 1st version with the direct and indirect ring produced in 1942-1943.
2- The 2 th version without indirect adjustment ring until 1944.
3- The 3 th version simplifies the molding on spirit levels and without scales in thousandths of angles. This produced in 1945.

There the two French manufacturers who have products MGZ40 for the Germans.
This is the first code that is in my collection.

lww = Huet & Cie, well known manufacturer of optical near Paris.
The Germans took possession of France have used all industries that could be used for the war effort
For the second company names, I'll look in my documentation.

These two French manufacturers continued to produce after the second war with markings in French language for setting levels and sitométre.



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Re: MGZ40 Optics Questions.

Post by Blanksguy »

Thank you very much for that information....
....and yes, those photos I did barrow from your French MG34/MG42 Board for examples of differences that I was asking about.

Guys, that French-Board has a lot of information on most German Machineguns, Lafettes, Optics, Accessories, Ammo-Boxes, etc., etc.. It is located at:

Regards, RichardS
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Re: MGZ40 Optics Questions.

Post by Blanksguy »

On the subject of MGZ40 "Collimators"......I have seen "Collimators" with different "knurled" rings.

Are there different models of "Collimators" (?)......or different manufacturers (?)...........Do you have any clear photos of a "Collimator" taken apart that you could post for us here (?).

Thank you greatly for the assistance.
Regards, RichardS
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Pics working MGZ40 Optics Questions.

Post by 42rocker »

Some very nice pics.

Later 42rocker
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