blank adapting the mg42/m53/mg1-3

Blanking adapting the MG42, MG3 and MG34
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Re: blank adapting the mg42/m53/mg1-3

Post by JBaum »

Styggo wrote:I tried my rebuilt M53 to MG3 with wooden blanks today.
It didnt work very fine... /Styggo
I know the actual start of this thread is really old (Jan 27, 2006), but the information in the original post is key to the talk of blank adapters and his problem. I recently found an original wood blank, and thought most people had probably never seen one, so I've included a picture. Sharing is good.

He says he is using a wooden blank. This means the bullet isn't jacketed lead, it is made of wood (actual wood - like sticks and logs), which was very common for German training. The below cartridge base shows that it was made in '44.

Talking about a restricted nozzle for a wood blank is useless, as a wood blank won't shoot with a nozzle restrictor, as the wooden bullet won't make it through the small hole. It takes the two piece blank barrel to make this work.
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Re: blank adapting the mg42/m53/mg1-3

Post by junglewalk »

……..…..I would love to have just one of those original wood-tip blanks, for my collection.
...I have only be able to find Egyptian 7.92m wood tip blanks years back...… hard as the MG-42 bolt & F/P slams into the primer of those blanks, I can only get 40% or so to fire...….I have about 500 of them now; They must have been stored poorly before I got them. :D
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Re: blank adapting the mg42/m53/mg1-3

Post by Blanksguy »

You could try asking around in the cartridge-collectors forums...…..someone will have one of those WWII German 8x57mm Blanks to let go.

I recall that a lot of Egyptian 8x57mm blanks use to be on the market. One of the units that I use to reenact WWI used them with an MG08 ….. fining thousands of them over the years.
The last place I saw these for sale (Egyptian-wood-tipped-blanks) was over ay GunPartsCorp……..I believe that they advertised them as "Vampire" ammunition.

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Re: blank adapting the mg42/m53/mg1-3

Post by 42rocker »

Was just going thru this old thread as I just got a blank firing MG34 setup.

Still LOTS of good info.

Later 42rocker
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