I need to find a MG34/41 top cover and feed block, a MG34/41 buffer, and MG34/41 feed tray.
The feed trays are wider than a standard MG34 by about a quarter of an inch but do not have MG34/41 stamped on them. The space that the bullets pass through has a different shape. Any help would be appreciated. The top cover, feed block, and buffer are clearly marked MG34/41.
This is where I stand on my project MG34/41's. Seven small parts are to be copied this fall/winter. Feed trays are being widened this week. Will have to get top cover levers modified. This involves taking some height out of the small lever and adding some metal to the width of the long lever. Then will have to modify top covers if this is a possibility. The rear end of the 34/41 top cover is 2mm wider than the 34 top cover. The MG 34 feed block fits on the MG34/41 top cover. The stamped grips were both bent and have been straightened. Plastic grips were purchased and copied. Got help with copying the buffer springs and the recuperator rod springs. Am also making a dummy gun. It has two MG34S parts at the moment. I need a feed block for the dummy gun.
Would still appreciate help finding more parts. Would like to have a 34/41 cocking handle both of the ones that I have are 34S. Still need a top cover with levers and a feed tray. All parts are marked 34/41 or 34S. The Germans did not want to confuse their own people.
This is what the missing parts look like. The feed tray is marked 34S. Notice that the cut out has a different shape. It is wider than a 34 feed tray and the steel is rolled on both sides. The 34 feed tray is flat on the right side.
I have a quick question you can probably answer as you have the parts right in front of you-
Since the 34/41 & 34S went to the fullauto-only trigger group.....what is the nature of the trigger group parts inside the grip, mechanically. I am curious if it in any way resembles that mechanism used for searing and safety geometry of the MG-42 design?
I will have to look for you. The trigger group is the only attempt at stampings in this gun. There is a hammer that is spring loaded and there is a spring loaded restricter piece. This piece is out for copying; one of the groups did not have this part.
Tom,are you going to attend the Show of Shows in Louisville this coming spring? I will have an ad in the program and be there for the opening day on Thursday. I do not know whether I will get a table.
michaelangelo wrote:
Tom,are you going to attend the Show of Shows in Louisville this coming spring? I will have an ad in the program and be there for the opening day on Thursday. I do not know whether I will get a table.
Am not sure on the trip to Louisville, kid of doubtful, but I won't totally rule it out yet. I am likely beginning a big consulting project here in early December and that will control my ability to leave town for awhile. We'll see.
This is what she looks like now. Still have a lot of work to do but things are coming together. Wanted a year on making samll parts when machinist did not have time to do the work.