WTS Russian SKS collector grade. $600.

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WTS Russian SKS collector grade. $600.

Post by tomcatshaas »

WTS Russian SKS collector grade. $600.

This Russian SKS rifle, chambered in 7.62x39, is in excellent condition. Made at the Tula plant in 1952 and arsenal

refurbished at some point. It has not been screwed with in any way. I would rate the metal finish at about 99%.

Some refurbished Russian SKS’s have a black paint applied to the metal, this one is beautifully polished and

blued.All matching numbers except the stock...The stock has the typical dents and dings and is a arsenal refurb

because of the xxxxx out sn. The bolt is still in the white and polished which is correct. The gas tube is the 45

degree style and the elec. pencil engraving of the SN is correct from my research. Thats what they did on stamped

parts. Typical high quality Russian workmanship. The bore is mirror bright and shiny.Has not been fired since

imported back in early 90's. Includes a cleaning rod and a cleaning kit in the butt trap and sling. Must ship to FFL. C&R

ok. Est. shipping $35. but won't know total until your zip and insurance. No sales to California

Let me know if the slideshow doesn't work.
http://smg.photobucket.com/user/tomcats ... w/firearms

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Re: WTS Russian SKS collector grade. $600.

Post by 42rocker »

Good to see a post from you, It's been a while. Still remember meeting you at the Red Wing, Minnesota shoot.
Thanks for everything that you have done.

Later 42rocker
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Re: WTS Russian SKS collector grade. $600.

Post by tomcatshaas »

hey thanks Rocker, I need to get down to that shoot again. But DA keeps scheduling it on conflicting weekends for me. But I still have my 1919 but haven't had it out since the shoot I met you at.
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Re: WTS Russian SKS collector grade. $600.

Post by 42rocker »

Well I'm trying to host a shoot down here in Fla at the start of next year and you would be welcome to come on down. We will have several 1919's on the line and should have 1 or 2 MG42's and 1 or more MG34's. Off topic but.

This is a good seller as I've bought several Great things from him in the past.

Later 42rocker
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