Hello old friends (those who are still here). A bit of news: I recently purchased an MG-08/15 and just got done machining the last missing part, the steam hose connector. Many of you know finding that part is impossible these days, along with many other parts on these old guns. So, you sometimes have to make them yourself. Thanks to fellow member Patrick Cassidy for his advice on getting this gun working. The barrel has the ORIGINAL asbestos seal and packing, and I hope it has a little life left in it, because it would be a shame to have to change it out, replacing it with modern O-rings and support washer. The barrel has noticeable wear in the rifling. If anyone has a lead on a spare barrel on 8mm Mauser, please let me know. It would be a valuable spare.
Also, a big shout out of THANK YOU to Robert Naess of Black River Militaria, who spent a few hours of his time helping me diagnose and fix a problem with the lock mechanism in which the ejector was not operating properly. Those leaf springs down deep in the receiver which caused the problem are hard to see! Robert Naess and Patrick Cassidy are helpful gentlemen, and make this hobby truly fulfilling.
That old beast looks great. It's amazing that those were considered a "light" machine gun. FYI, I have a couple manuals and the parts book for that, as well as a manual on stoppages.
Great project and she is up and running again! Wonderful. Great to see you back too. I know health issues can make people re-prioritise...which is right and proper.
Anyway now to re-energise my own contribution.
Seeking all items, large or small, to the Imperial MG08, MG08/15 & T Gewehr.
I still pop in from time to time because of the friends here. I haven't test fired the MG-08/15 yet. I still have to make a belt loading tray with a bar press to load 15 round at a time. I bought a spare barrel in good shape recently, which will prove useful. Hope you can find that front sight leaf, Mark!