What does 100,000 rds look like??? Not much actually.......

Post your pics and vids here.
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Post by Bil »

MIKE wrote: My biggest fear is when I die, that my mistress/girl friend/wife/mother throws away all those small greasy parts that I spend a small fortune on
-in some places around here,that could be one person :roll:

I guess that the end of the big batches of parts and ammo is soon upon us.We had better stock up,but it is all a matter of perspective. With a SA, there is no reason for most of us to fill the garage with ammo and barrels. At my age 10,000 rounds and 4 extra barrel/bolt combos will probably last me. If I was lucky enough to have a FA, it would be different. Although I have a grandson due soon and he might want to shoot, so......
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Post by stifeout »

OK, OK :oops: I stand corrected. When I was reading the thread, I saw 2 guys looking for ammo. I thought it could have been easier to type a link out or post in the deals section. I personally wasn't looking for ammo. Maybee I was having a bad day!
Ted please accept my sincere apology, I'm sure you're an ok guy!

Sincerely, Jorge

Post by propos »

I hope no one took offense. I was trying to make a few salient points. I would love to have a FA, but it isn't in the cards. I'm just glad that I live in a country where we can possess all these neat gadgets. I've been to places where the things we have in our house could get you locked up in a hurry.
If anyone can afford to buy FA's and 1000's of rounds of ammo, more power to them. Capitalism is a wonderful thing.
I remember the days when I'd go to a gun show and drool over the stuff that was there, but had no money to buy.
Now I'm wondering what I do with all the neat toys I have when I depart this world. Probably sell them to someone who will appreciate them and take good care of them as much as I do. Remember, we are only the temporary stewards of these things. The time will come when we will pass them on to another owner.
So, enjoy the damn things while you can.
Then again, maybe I'll bury them so that in 300 years some archeologist will discover my hoard of firearms and ammo. Sorta like Carter finding King Tut's tomb. "Wonderful things." Wow! Heh,heh.
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Post by drooling idiot »

TactAdv wrote: Okay, Let's try this again. What kind of "help" were you thinking I should provide. In all seriousness, what do you want to know? I'll answer any legitimate question you want.

There, does that sound better?
I think the belief was that this ammo was just delivered from a retailer and you knew where they could go to make the sacrifice to buy it . They were , IMHO , only asking you only for a link to where you got it , because as you stated most of it isn't around anymore.
"good , bad, .....I'm the man with the gun."

Its amazing anything works right around here with a bunch of
over-age juvenile delinquents running the place.
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Post by gdmoore28 »

I've got a feeling that 90% of the disagreements and conflicts on this site and others arise simply because of the limitations of the printed word -- especially those we write quickly. All of us, myself included, like to write the same way we talk, but outside of those little emoticons :mrgreen: we have no way of expressing all of the little vocal clues that define our intentions in oral conversations.

The result is that statements made in jest ;) are often taken as jabs or insults :evil: .

I try to take most commentaries as tongue-in-cheek expressions unless there are strong indications otherwise. And most of my writing is so cautious that it frequently ends up sounding sterile and overly objective -- like this one :roll:

Seems that if one is intent on writing dynamic posts, one simply has to assume that SOMEBODY is going to take it wrong and get pissed. Heck, even Bil gets flamed every once in a while :lol:

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Post by Intruder196 »

stifeout wrote:OK, OK :oops: I stand corrected. When I was reading the thread, I saw 2 guys looking for ammo. I thought it could have been easier to type a link out or post in the deals section. I personally wasn't looking for ammo. Maybee I was having a bad day!
Ted please accept my sincere apology, I'm sure you're an ok guy!

Sincerely, Jorge
I think you were right the first time. I thought about responding to the sarcasm with "got a link for that?" but decided against it since it probably would have earned me yet another wise remark.
I guess the thread starter wants to horde all the Romo 8mm for himself by not revealing his source.
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Post by Bil »

After the original poster edited his remark,this whole thread doesn't make a lot of sense anymore.So In the spirit of GD moore,I will add this- :shock: :cry: :evil: :roll: ;) :?: 8) [(O)] [(O)] Does that say PICS or PIGS? ---bil

Post by propos »

BTW, Bil, did you get the 8mm brass?
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Post by Bil »

Propos-yes,I did .Thank you very,that will do me good! I meant to PM you ,but got busy.Sorry.Thanks muchly! ---bil

Post by propos »

Not a problem. I'm glad to have helped you out with your project. I only wish I had more cases to send you. BTW, they were shot out of my Yugo M-48. But check, there might be one that was fired out of the beast. It will be easy to indentify. The case mouth is crushed where the bolt tried to rechamber the fired round because the case wasn't ejected. No lack of power there to strip a round from the belt. :lol:
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