Some photos of the lafette I just got from Allegheny Arsenal.I stuck on a 42 that is ready to be welded,all ground and fitted.Hope to have it running soon.Looking for optics. ---bil
mg 42 & lafette 007.jpg (1.32 MiB) Viewed 1739 times
mg 42 & lafette 010.jpg (1.75 MiB) Viewed 1739 times
mg 42 & lafette 008.jpg (1.42 MiB) Viewed 1740 times
mg 42 & lafette 009.jpg (1.38 MiB) Viewed 1742 times
Bil, the pics are just great. The MG42 looks so intimidating on a lafette, doesn't it? Are those Russians I see way back in the woods? Coming to occupy the 442, no doubt.
The 442 is a 65 convertible,I have a 65 hardtop in the barn,from Arizona,that I am fixing up.I found those russians sleeping in the back seat.The white stuff on the lafette is styrofoam stuck to cosmoline,the other white stuff was here when I got back from Calif.,That sucked.It's nice here,but winter lasts too long.I am still checking thew lafette,it was sold as for a 42. ---bil ps I will have someone show me how to make the pictures faster for Jbaum,meanwhile,John-computers aren't made to run on telegraph wire!
I use the rear setting for the bi-pod on the mg34-a cut-down bi-pod and a home-made bolts on the windshield header with the top down,just above the rear-view morror.It works good,but you have to hold on when braking to keep it from tipping into the windshield! ---bil