New Range Toy!

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New Range Toy!


I've never owned a shotgun before, but ran across a NutNFancy review on YouTube of the Rock Island Armory VR60 shotgun imported from Turkey. It's been around a while, but I've never heard of it, being outside my area of interest in the past. But since it was reliable, and quite inexpensive, it looked like a decent gun. The seller is the appearance combined with the price. The recoil was far softer than I thought it would be. It ran flawlessly out of the box, after disassembly/oiling/reassembly to check out the operating system. Since it's a bog scary black firearm, it will probably be targeted by certain left wing politicians as an item to be prohibited. The shotgun was $550.00 after FFL transfer, $50.00 shipping, and taxes off a Gunbroker auction. I took it out to our annual machine gun shoot event and ran a few 12 gauge slugs through it and it ran just fine. One of the western US YouTubers who is a huge fan of the VR60 had one useful piece of information to offer among his tens of hours of otherwise useless blather and bragging. He said if you leave the bolt held back with the recoil spring compressed for 30 days, the extra strong spring will take enough of a set to allow low power 2-3/4" bird shot shells to cycle the action. The VR60 will take 2-3/4" and 3" shells, and high brass shells work best of course because they hold their shape better than the cheap low brass ones. It's 39", which is monstrous, but very lightweight. It has all the operating features of an AR-10, but the charging handle is reciprocating on the right side. Since you guys like stuff that's cool, I thought you'd like to see this. If you like big scary guns that blow big holes in things, this is a good value. This gun is FUN. It totally recommend it.

Knight's Armoury
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Re: New Range Toy!


Took this shotgun out for a spin at our annual Red Wing Machinegun Shoot this June. Flowless performance. Recoil was lighter than expected, lighter than Dave's Saiga 12. Blasting things with slugs at 100 yards almost made me forget this was a smoothbore shotgun and not a rifle.
Knight's Armoury
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