Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

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Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by ChrisPCook »

Here's how I take out my barrel bushings from the Yugo "slagmonsters"
1st remove any excess....I had a little piece sticking out that I cut off with a hacksaw to save on grinding time....
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by ChrisPCook »

I then grind everything down to where I can see the joint between the barrel bushing and the receiver....I then clamp the receiver/shroud into a vise, or use the floor, etc. I place a large punch on the barrel bushing (inner ring) and start whacking the punch until the bushing gives way, I then work around it driving the bushing further into the shroud until I can pop it out.....
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by ChrisPCook »

Here I am driving the bushing into the shroud, this one popped right through and out of the shroud, but I had one where I had to basically get the bushing up on it's side and cut through it with my dremel cutoff wheel to get it to give way....Chris....
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by ChrisPCook »

Now all that is left is to clean her up a little more, I'm going to use a grinding stone on a hand drill to clean up the inside chamfer so the new barrel bushing will slide in and I'll be ready to weld.... Will also "even out" the shroud to fit the new barrel bushing by grinding down the "high spots" on the bench grinder.....
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by Mikesal »

I'm taking a guess that the repair bushing that's sold is a little longer than the original to make up the difference that you lose when cutting back the shroud?
Mike S
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by ChrisPCook »

The repair bushing is made to original specs....the barrel booster parts set in internally, and then you also have the threads threads for the outer "cone"....for a tutorial on how to install a new bushing go to Pirate's webpage MG42 section... www.projectguns.com

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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by resting »

Thanks for posting this. I've been pondering the question for a while without taking any action. Now I have something to do tomorrow.

Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by MrJD »

also, if you have a large ball peen hammer, you can use the rouned end to knock this piece out. Thats what I did and I was able to manuver the cut piece out without any further work.
Michael J

Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by Michael J »

Very BIG Thanks! :nana:
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by MGMike »

Hi folks:

I can't find the old post I had this in, but here's a three-stage photo of how I did mine. I used my little Harbor Freight bandsaw. I lined the shroud up so that it was square to the blade, and just made a cut where the curve of the front of the shroud met the bushing. Then, I knocked the "ring" of the bushing that was left down into the shroud with a punch. After the ring was out, I cleaned up the inside of the lip at the front of the shroud with a half-round file, and the WiseLite bushing fit right in.

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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by 42rocker »

We need to try to redo this topic with pictures again.

Later 42rocker
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by anjongni »

I'll be doing another one soon but here's some photos of an old one. Even the ugliest front cuts can be saved because the "crimp" is usually ok. If I may, here's how I do them. The "door" cutout is marked in tape or dotted lines.
1. Order your new bushing from RTG right away.
2. Grind the front exactly flat on your big grinding wheel.
3. Make a verticle sawcut, through the top and bottom, from the front almost to the front sight slot.
4. Make a verticle cut on the left side across the receiver to intersect the first cuts.
5. Remove the "door" you've created. Remove the remnants of the old bushing.
6. Clean up receiver and door real well inside. Rust, slag has to be evicted.
7. Drop in your new bushing with the barrel sleeve inside. Time it perfectly, or else!
8. Clamp the door back over the new bushing with hose clamps, tight as can be. Square it up good. Tack it with your heliarc top and bottom.
9. Check for timing. Assure a little barrel "end play". The barrel sleeve should be a little rattly/free.
10. Go ahead and weld it top and bottom. Finally weld the side. Sand, wire brush. The "door" will dis-appear.
11. You can weld around the bushing to the front of the receiver so it doesn't turn. I've found that the welds shrink, trapping it well.
Best of luck...Phil
Weldment front barrel bushing MG42 006.jpg
Weldment front barrel bushing MG42 005.jpg
Weldment front barrel bushing MG42 007.jpg
Weldment front barrel bushing MG42 002.jpg
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by 42rocker »

Thanks for the update with the photos.... The bushing is made by brp and also sold there. By timing I believe that you are talking about the alinement of the slots in the bushing so that the barrel can go in and out. Or are you talking about the overall distance?

Thanks Again.

Later 42rocker
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by Bil »

The timing is aligning the proper slot to the proper alignment for barrel insertion.Otherwise the barrel will not go in.Fairly easy. ---bil
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Re: Taking out the old Barrel Bushing....a short how to....

Post by 42rocker »

The use of the word timing for doing that is so different. Timing to me is normally the closing or locking of something in time with something else. But if that's the word timing for the correct positioning of the barrel bushing then so be it. Thanks.

Later 42rocker
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