I wanted to comment on the BRP build tutorial being done by oakrodent,but didn't want to turn his tutorial into a comment/Q&A thread.Maybe we can do so here. This is one of the nicest tutorials I have seen in a while.Plenty of pictures and measurements,the pictures are marked to avoid confusion,pics are all captioned,and we see the order things are being done.Thank you,oakrodent,for this fine bit of work-I look forward to the rest! ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
I should have some really nice pics of one that is finished by the end of the week. Just waiting on my gun smith to call and tell me he is done bluing it. It fired very nicely when it was finished and before it was blued. I have 2 more waiting test firing and bluing. Maybe I can take them out next weekend for a good work out.
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My kudos also. One of the best build tutorials we've had.
(I didn't want to interrupt the flow of the build, either! Glad you posted this, Bil!!)
" The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government . . . . When the people fear their government there is tyranny, when the government fear the people, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson
Nice welds! I'm new to this whole welding buisness, and just started to learn oxy acetylene method. My teacher is suppose to be showing me TIG welding one of these days, so i can look forwards to that.
Just how did you get welds that look like rivets? Is that some master welding technique, or is it do-able by a newer person ?
I have built a few of them. The rivets are not some secret welding. The inside rivets are real rivets and the rivet heads on the outside are welded on with a stud gun. I will have some more steps tomorrow night. I installed the rails today. I should have the ratchet plate and charging handle done tomorrow and will post them also tomorrow.
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I admit I was a bit confused about the lack of rivets for the rails,and was wondering about the indentations on this receiver.Todays post and pics clear this up.Kudos on a real nice,precise build tutorial. ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
Well, I am running a little behind with my posts. Here is a pic of the current state of my build. It is all ready to take out to the range for a test firing. Won't be happening this weekend. Maybe next week.
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nice work , I am still debating weather to build my MG 42 or have it built for me , I have built 1919a4s and 1917a1s , every time I see yourphotos I am just tempted to do it Myself
Nice to see somebody else from SD. That were I am originaly from.
Flemgunner: I will post more pics of a trigger frame later today. I bought it from BRP. Great price. I just sent him my old unmodified trigger set-up. I guess I am just lazy somedays. Plus his work is very nice.
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I have to apologize for not posting for awhile. I am just really busy with the holidays. The next few posts are really involved and will take a while to edit all the pics. I hope to have some more posted in the next few days.
Happy Holidays,
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Finally put up some more steps. I should be getting the rest done in the next few days. If it doesn't rain tomorrow I will be taking it out to test fire. Will let you all know how it went
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Finally took it out on Sunday. Ran 200rnds threw it with no problems. Not even the first round. Now its time to strip it and sandblast it before it gets a phosphate finish.
Spell check is down and I'm too lazy to get the dictionary