BRP stampings

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BRP stampings

Post by flemgunner »

Hello, There has been some talking about using BRP stampings for a build so I thought I would go ahead and post a bunch of pix of mine. I have both the front and rear stampings. While it is true they will take alot of work they are 500 bucks cheaper than the WLA or BRP 100% rear section. As for the (cold steel? ones) well I think the material workmanship is better on the BRP's but to be honest I havent seen the cold steel ones in person.
BTW this is my m53 in some of the pix for reference
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by bolex »

It is the first time I have seen good photos of these, they look like they have nice sharp bends. Thank you for spending the time photographing them.
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by flemgunner »

Your welcome. I noticed there aint any good pix of em either so I figured "what the hell".

Re: BRP stampings

Post by Rahatlakhoom »

Great pics flem.
I ordered rear stampings on Mon.
I'd wished I had started with those in the first place.
Nice sharp corners and other details.
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by flemgunner »

Just tell em I send ya, maybe Ill get a deal out of it :lol:

Re: BRP stampings

Post by rocco1911 »

Excellent Pics Hope ya post pics of how ya weld it together I'm contemplating getting there Full length completed Receiver

Re: BRP stampings

Post by mattcdavis »

Welding up those pieces will be a Joy compared to the time I've had today! I just tore into my coldsteel section headlong today. I wasn't going to wait for the turnaround time for a new set of problems. I have made good progress. But it looks like the BRP's would be way farther along if I were using them instead! :?
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by gdmoore28 »

Burnt Capital ( seems to be making good progress on his receiver. It is being made from a single sheet of .10 steel, like the originals. Has been submitted to the feds for final approval. Projected price: $700-800. Not bad. It will be available in two versions, one unwelded without the front bearing bushing uninstalled, the other with all the welding done and the bushing installed. The price is definitely right. He's done it the right way and it looks great at this point.

Wouldn't it be fine to do a build using one of these? :D :D :D :D

Burnt Capital MG42 Receiver.jpg
Burnt Capital MG42 Receiver.jpg (9.4 KiB) Viewed 16983 times
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by Capt. Willard »

FYI ..I just placed a BRP rear section in the fs section.
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by carlque »

This is what the raw stampings are like!
Pics from Carol's camera!! 445.jpg
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by m1-dan »


Was there much metal to take down on each half for the rear to get it to the right dimensions? Im currently looking into getting the pieces to start my m53 build. I've been away for a while. Also does BRP provide any template to use for cutting the slots in the rear? I know they include blueprints , sounds like a good winter project in my future!

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Re: BRP stampings

Post by flemgunner »

There is a ton of metal to remove... from everywhere. I dont remember what the blueprints looked like to be honest with you
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by 42rocker »

Now, on the new front end style there is a lot more metal to remove. Check out the new front end pics on Brian's, brp website. You might think twice about buying ready to go ones.

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Re: BRP stampings

Post by jamesob »

instead of sarting a new thread i will just ask on this one. on the brp rear section i know mateial has to be taken off to end up with the correct width but what about the length? after looking at all blueprints i haven't seen any measurements from the rear to a specific stamping point or bend.
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by crash520 »

Hi Jamesob,

That is a good question, I would like to know that as well, i do understand however that the bends and folds etc are not sharp edges to measure from so I'm not so sure its able to be done and, from what I understand there is room for variation of location etc, that is, there is no hard and fast details, as I have read here on this forum, measure everything very well befor you start etc and make the best of what you can.

If anyone can give some guide to Jamesob's question i'd love to see it as well.

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Re: BRP stampings

Post by 42rocker »

Here is some stuff for the front half of the receiver

And in this one the 4th pic down shows some for the rear half of the receiver

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Re: BRP stampings

Post by jamesob »

that last one does help thanks..

Re: BRP stampings

Post by Mechwarrior »

Ok, i bought those same rear sheet metal stampings from brp. I found that i actually had to have a gap on the bottom between those 2 halves to be at the correct width when welded. I determined the correct width by placing the buffer in between the halves, then i added a .013 shim to one side for clearance since the welds would shrink it. I took pics but haven't posted yet. Also of note, i made the relief cuts for the buffer to rotate properly in both halves before i welded them together. I also put as much of the buffer as i could in the front half to tack it together as well. It also helped square it up. After i was done welding,(i did NOT weld the whole thing cause most of it will be cut out anyways) my buffer was to tight so i put the receiver in a vise and gave it a little squeeze to widen it out a little. It worked great! In hind-site i should have used a slightly larger shim but.....That was my experience. If the stampings are consistent i would say DO NOT make them any skinnier! They need to be almost 3/32 wider. But ya, metal needs to be remover all over the place!
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Re: BRP stampings

Post by 42rocker »

Glad to here that you have a start on the project. Good Luck with everything. With the wiselite receivers of the market at this time and the group of ima cut receivers gone brp rears may have to be the one everyone will need to use.

Good Luck

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Re: BRP stampings

Post by dlbard »

I finally got my BRP rear receiver halves yesterday. I spent the extra 75$ and got the kit with new rails, rivets and buffer tabs. On my stampings I had the same problem as mechwarrior. The top parts of the halves were way too long and the bottom was undersized. First I squared up the seams on the two halves by referencing off the sides of the stampings. I made sure to account for the expanded parts on the receiver that are used by the top cover. I made cuts until the top seam until it measured 1.100. Then I did the bottom seam and stop cutting once I got an even cut across the whole surface. Next I began cutting scrap metal and shimming the bottom until it was at 2.20
Note how unparalleled the side are to each other. Top oversized, bottom under.
Note how unparalleled the side are to each other. Top oversized, bottom under.
1.jpg (20.37 KiB) Viewed 5909 times
Notice the larg gap in order obtain proper width
Notice the larg gap in order obtain proper width
2.jpg (21.91 KiB) Viewed 5909 times
Here is the size of shim I added to square up the receiver
Here is the size of shim I added to square up the receiver
3.jpg (22.6 KiB) Viewed 5909 times
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