Remove MG42 Barrel from Collar / Barrel Extension

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Remove MG42 Barrel from Collar / Barrel Extension

Post by sdd5317 »

I have several cut barrel stubs with the barrel collar still in place. I'm trying to figure out the best (easiest) way to remove the scrap barrel stub from the collar.

Attached is a photo of the barrel stub and extension I am trying to separate. If anyone has performed this before, a picture of the setup you used for removal would be great. I have heard that gripping the barrel stub in a vise and then using a long metal rod for torque to unscrew the extension works but I have not been successful in my attempts.
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Re: Remove MG42 Barrel from Collar / Barrel Extension

Post by Countryboy77 »

Drill out the stake mark put penetrating oil on and lock it in a vise .put a big pipe wrench on it or a wrench with a pipe extension and it should come right out. If you have any extra stubs let me know I could use one. Hell if you want me to pull them for you pm me we can work somthing out.
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Re: Remove MG42 Barrel from Collar / Barrel Extension

Post by Blanksguy »

There are several alternate methods to remove the barrel-extension from the barrel-stub......and you should have knowledge of different ways as the barrel-stubs may come a few inches sticking almost nothing to grab ahold of.

In the past......I have used a Dremmel cut-off-wheel to cut slots just above the barrel-extension removing a slight amount of metal about 1/8" to 3/16" deep around the barrel. This relieves tension between the two parts........then a little penetrating-oil.........and then wrench......maybe a vise.....sometimes grinding "flats" on the barrel-stub to keep it from turning.

You may have to get "inventive"......sometimes a little heat helps........but I have not found any that could not be taken apart and saved the Barrel-Extension.

Regards, RichardS
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Re: Remove MG42 Barrel from Collar / Barrel Extension

Post by 42rocker »

And yet the Germans changed the barrels as needed in WW2

I have not done this yet. As I have a few "stubs" I'm thinking that I should give it a try.

Later 42rocker
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