Harbor Freight TIG welder foot pedal mod

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Re: Harbor Freight TIG welder foot pedal mod

Post by cannondalecaad »

Hello everyone new to the site> I just purchased a used HF Tig 130 amp 91811 model is this a lift start have you had a chance to try it out using the lift method. I have not received mine yet so waiting for it in the mail. I saw the thread and where it was said that it was lift start and was wondering can anyone confirm this for sure. Thank you
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Re: Harbor Freight TIG welder foot pedal mod

Post by boss429 »

FYI-I was looking for a foot pedal mod for my cheapie HF tig machine #91511 and found this thread on MG42 of all places!. If your the mechanical type rather then the electronic type look at this.


It's still stricker start, but you can ramp up the current slowly after the arc is started until it meets the optimum amperage you need.If you've ever reset the amperage 5-10 times to get it just right for TIGing different thicknesses of metal together you'll like this mod. Don't be bound by the video though, I have a few mods in mind that use a cable control like a bike hand brake mounted in a vice,lay on the bench, or actually mounted to the TIG tourch to control, so no 2-3 hour long foot pedal fabrication is needed.
If your up on step motors you could build a real fancy rig to turn that knob though.....
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Re: Harbor Freight TIG welder foot pedal mod

Post by 42rocker »

Ok, cleaned a few things up and made a word doc out of most of this thread.

Later 42rocker
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