Bil's build

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Post by Bil »

Thanks for the ideas,I will try the pipe idea first.I was just in the shed with a flashlight looking for some,and realizes its 12:30,and I have to work soon.This stuff gets addicting! ---bil

Post by propos »

Bil,I'm going to try and dig out my picture of the jig I made to hold the front end. Heh, heh, found it. I was going to use a flexible clamp to hold the muzzle in position but a hose clamp would probaly work also. Hope this gives you some idea of how to hold the booster in place.
booster holder.JPG
booster holder.JPG (188.78 KiB) Viewed 8400 times
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Post by Bil »

Thanks for the pic! I got a bunch of hardware today,and am trying 3 or 4 ways,see which works for me.Thanks. ---bil
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Post by Bil »

Today I got my copper backer strips,and some spare pieces for the non-flat welds.A bug chunk of softer copper that will conform to the curves.I did some more fitting,and will have more pictures soon.Finalized the jig. Also got set up in the machine shop,and got my space set up.Got any and all parts I may possibly need together,and spent 4 hours copying all of my info and getting it printed up.Tomorrow is the big day,going to start the weld-up.I am going to do 2 at once,and I am going to also try to have time to do a wise-lite bushing repair on a third.I have the shop tomorrow,Sat,and Sunday.I should get a lot done,and will get pictures. ---bil
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Post by URAR1004 »

Bill, keep us posted with pictures! It's looken good!
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Post by Bil »

I have been on a lost weekend,started Friday,took 40-50 pages of material,lots of parts,and my 42 and lafette for referance.The 42 and lafette drew some funny looks when I opened up the back door of my van,even at a bike shop! No tailgaters,please! :shock: I started out with the jig in the pictures.We set up a laser also.First I did the SA mods,as in Pirates build.I am using his grip mods and also the bolt mods,so there is no reason to re-hash that here.I made the cuts so the FA grip cant mount,and drilled and welded in the bolt block.I did the mods on 2 guns,only 1 shown here.The bolt block goes through a rivet location,I started with a small drill side,then worked up to 3/8.I used a hardened bolt as a block.All welding was done with a tig using argon gas.
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Post by Bil »

In the middle,I got called into a road trip-we went to a friends place for some Harley parts-the guy has been collecting this stuff for over 50 years-barns full! piles of engines,frames,fenders,and rows of rare bikes under tarps! Also delivered 2 radial engines for a Stearman bi-plane!Back to work-We aligned everything up on the jig-I never did get the front figured out.Tacked the other cuts and let them cool.We got them straight through the top,but up and down looked like a banana! :roll: .I just cut the spots with a dremel,and we tried again.I found that the jig should either be more substantial,or be used as a basic tool with refinements done off the jig.We used the laser and straight edge,I was surprised how accurate the naked eye was. :shock: Here are some of the starting welds
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Post by Bil »

Next I tried to fit the cast camming piece-big trouble!! :cry: We had some shrinkage.Instead of the square opening being 1.310,it was only 1.290-the piece didn't fit.After some thought and measuring,we decided that the rear was ok,just the front was affected.I used a dremel to open up the front of the hole,putting the camming piece in its proper location.I had to mave the barrel door forward a slight bit to compensate.I could have recut it all,but it was a perfect fit,real straight.The bearing piece I had was nice,with flats on both sides.I clamped some flat stock on both sides,aligned it all,and spotted it.I had measured it first,37 9/16,and put in a barrel and bushing.The bushing iI set using the wear marks,and measurements I got here.It all worked out good,the little I was short in the center I made up here,where it doesn't matter.Then it was just weld a spot and move,and keep repeatingtill it was all filled in.I tried to keep it a little high,and after grindind I will fill any low spots.I would like to encourage anybody out there that is aprehensive about doing this.If I can do it,so can you! I am not really skilled at this,but with a little thought and some help,you can do it!! :D I have had a lot of fun so far.You will too. Before I did the final welding,I checked the front with a bi-pod,and the overall on the lafette.Alle ist richtig!.I also fit a Pirates grip to the receiver,and welded on one side mount.I have to drill through and mount the other,but didnt have time.Went to a party with some of the bike guys.Sorry if this post is dis-jointed,I had it all written and deleted it by mistake,had to re-do it. pics time!
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Post by Bil »

I used the copper backer to get the tack welds started,then followed heli's advise and welded through,to get a stronger weld.I was careful and didn't let it build up too much inside.Here are some pics of the camming section welds.I would like to thank my friends at the bike shop for all the help,especially Stan,who cut short a very interesting evening at 7 am to open up and help out.The night had just begun!
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Post by Bil »

I was planning on replacing the 'ratchet plate',and had even gotten a new 'old' one,but I will build up the destroyed section instead. Jbaum,sorry about the download time! :roll: ---bil
April 07 005 (600 x 450).jpg
April 07 003 (600 x 450).jpg

Post by MGW LLC »

Very nice Bill!

Can't wait to get a range report from your build. :-P

Post by PvtJoker »

Hey Bil, whatcya gonna do with that extra rachet plate? :D (Nice looking build, BTW. Clean looking welds)
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Post by URAR1004 »

Very nice welds!
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Post by Bil »

I have most of the welds ground down,the trick seems to be get good penetration without too much buildup,this has worked out good so far.I have the welds down to where they belong,I will need to add some metal for cosmetic purposes in a few spots.I am using an old bodywork trick,the 'guide coat'I sprayed on a light coat of spray paint,tomorrow after it is dry,I will run a sanding block over it.The high spots will clean up first,and be marked for more grinding.The paint will stay in the low spots,afterI note where they are,I will bead-blast and add more matal,and do it again.Should go good.I also got some good photo tips from gdmoore about my digital camera,so maybe we will be getting clearer pictures. ---bil
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Post by Bil »

I am going to try the TIG method of installing the rivets,as suggested above.After all,if I mess up,I still have plenty of rivets! :roll: I made a little buck out of some Home Depot parts,about $3 in all. I got a stainless cap screw,the kind that takes an Allen or Hex wrench.5/16x3/4.I got an assortment of sizes,just in case.I also got a connector with the same threads.I screwed them together,and I used 5/32 rivets.I am using the smaller size,as the holes are good and the rivets fit snug.The rivet head just fits into the cap screw,I am going to put a little weld inside and bevel it to hold the rivet tight.I am also grinding 2 flats on the screw to get a wrench on it,or I may resort to needle-nose Vise-grips.Put the rail in place,align the holes,and use bolts temporarily.put in the rivet,and tighten the cap/connector tool.Cut the excess rivet off,this will be a judgement call,as I don't know exactly how much metal is needed.I am going to form the head with a shaped dowel pin,and the old BFH.Here are pics of my jig.I will use the TIG without any filler,the arc will provide the heat. ---bil
bucking bar 002 (600 x 450).jpg
bucking bar 001 (600 x 450).jpg
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Re: Bil's build

Post by Bil »

Boy,this is an old thread-back when we had to write in black and white![when I was a kid....] Anyway-I will also have to learn how to shrink pictures! Since then ,I have-tossed my rivet jig and gotten one fron Pirate.This works much better,but the rivets are the hardest part so far.It takes some trial and error to get the head right,a matter of trimming the excess from the rivet.The first few I did with the Tig,I didn't like them,so I used a propane torch to heat them.You have to be sure you are workink on a solid base and the work is propped flat and steady.The hardest rivets are the 4 that are close to the bolt guides.The rivet buck I used didn't work good for these,I re-did them several times,and finally built a buck just for them,all done in no time. I have also fit the rails to the bolt.Some of this was spreading the receiver,it was pinched in the middle.I just applied pressure and it spread enough. There was some filing at the rear to get things smooth,I used 3 bolts and filed until all 3 went smoothly.It was a surprise to see how much diferance there was. Now the bolts all slide back and forth just by tilting the receiver.I have both types of mods,Pirates and PBBs,as I have another 42 I am working on.I am still not sure which will go in what,but I have gotten both types to fit and work.The riveting has taken the most time,not the doing,the getting setup.The recouperator is nextto clean up,then beadblast and try out.So far it will cycle all the way through by handI will try to get some pictures soon.[and you all thought I had given up] I would especially like to thank those of you that have finished your 42s and have posted the pics and build stories.They have inspired me to keep at it,and are full of very useful info.Thank you. ---bil
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Re: Bil's build

Post by bolex »

Bill, real nice build. You are real close now to go shooting.
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Re: Bil's build

Post by Bil »

Your build posts really got me going!I am still waiting for the new shorter spring,I want to try that.But I have already cut another spring.If the new one doesn't work out,I may try the full length conversion.But that would have to wait a while. ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert

Re: Bil's build

Post by RaccoonRough »

Cool Bil,

Congrats on your progress. I too agree that some of the posts on here keep me going as well. It will be worth it though. Thanks for all of your help so far.

Thanks to alot of people on here for help and advice over the last months.

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Re: Bil's build

Post by gdmoore28 »

Hi Bro Bil--

I'm thrilled to see that you are back at it -- and I'm glad you are using both Pirate's and PBB's conversion processes. That will give all of us some important comparisons.

Picture-wise, some time back somebody posted the process for re-sizing the pictures so they fit properly on the forum, but I've been unable to find the post. Maybe somebody with a lot more know-how than I can give instructions on sizing the pics.

Keep up the good work, my friend :D . We're all looking forward to your progress reports.

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