mg42 front shroud question

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Re: mg42 front shroud question

Post by trooperjim »

Hey just to let you know, you were definately right! I found a very faint arz code on the rear receiver! Why in the world someone would have welded up the markings I have no clue. kind of like when someone customizes a classic car. AGGGHHHHH! Now if i can just find some reproduciton stamps!
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Re: mg42 front shroud question

Post by 42rocker »

Way to go!! Glad to hear that you found that mark. Glad that I talked you out of the idea that it was a yugo. Should have laid odds and taken a few bets on it. LOL.
Now there are repro WaAmp stamps out there, look like it also. I would like twice about repro-ing those marks as the repro stamps are not as good as most like. Take your time thinking about doing it. At least wait till you finish the build, looked around as you do.
Right side of the receiver is electro engraved not stamped. Again wait till you are done with your range report and then check back with me or others about getting the side done. Myself I'm working on this lettering project slowly to be sure but plans are in place, tests are next.

I think that you said in an earlier post that having a German rear receiver would make your weekend.
--- ---- WEEKEND HAS BEEN MADE --- ---
Enjoy the build.

Later 42rocker
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