My Build, step by step

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Post by striker754 »

Thats some nice work! Any plans of doing this for others?
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Post by TOM R »

pirate sells premodded bolts and grips, or just the parts, you need to be present for a reciever weld up or send it to a licensed builder :D
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Post by DieWolf »


rebuild of the receiver is the most complicated and also the decisive thing.

To repair bent and otherwise damaged receivers German Waffenmeisters use the MG-Gehäuse-Zentriervorrichtung (a rough translation might be device for machine-gun receiver correction).
It consists of a measuring device where You clamp Your receiver to a rotating post and a correction set consisting of two blocks of wood and steel fittings for the muzzle and the butt-end.

Best idea would be to buy a set and check Your welding results for distortion and warp.
As a matter of fact they are extremely cheap as nobody in germany takes the trouble of rebuilding a receiver and only very few freaks (like me) think even a decoration-MG (You are not allowed to own a ready to fire MG in Germany and also You have no chance of ever firing it) should have the precise shape.

So to give You an idea I've added a few pictures where I bring my MG-53 back to shape by means of a 10 ton
blackhawk press.




Have success!

Great JOb

Post by watsaro »

Thanks For the step by step

Re: My Build, step by step

Post by giorgos »

Hello to everyone.New here.I'm ww2 collector.I just finished my 50 cal replica for my jeep and now need to make a MG34 for my collection.I have a problem to see the photos of this post.Anything wrong with my computer?Because i can see photos from other posts.Please can you provide me a link from the pirates buils?

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Re: My Build, step by step

Post by tomcatshaas »

giorgos wrote:Hello to everyone.New here.I'm ww2 collector.I just finished my 50 cal replica for my jeep and now need to make a MG34 for my collection.I have a problem to see the photos of this post.Anything wrong with my computer?Because i can see photos from other posts.Please can you provide me a link from the pirates buils?

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Re: My Build, step by step

Post by Bil »

Giorgos-welcome to the site! :D The pictures on many of the older posts went away when the servers were switched several years ago.That means when you get a box with a red X in it,those are gone.I try to save any I think I might need in the future,and when I get time,I repost them.But some are lost forever.Fortunately,it seems these are still around on Pirates site! Good luck with your build! ---bil
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Re: My Build, step by step

Post by nenad800 »

Pirate wrote:First before you begin there are a couple of modifications that must be done to the receiver
BEFORE you start welding it to make it legal. The gripstick area must be machined out to not
accept an unmodified full auto grip stick. Second the receiver must be modified so that a
full auto bolt will not fit in. This is done by welding in a block or stud in the rear of the receiver.

I have had my kit for several days and have been figuring out how I am going to get the
receiver welded up properly. While the kit contains all the parts for a complete gun, I do not
Think that is is a parts set from one gun, hopefully this will not matter.

I am planning on starting from the rear of the gun and working my way forward.

The first step is to grind all the cuts and remove ALL the slag and burned metal to get to a
clean solid surface. I would recomment blasting the weld areas before welding. I plan on
TIG welding it and the rule for TIG is the cleaner the better.

I made a set of plates from 1" x 1/8" and 1 1/4" x 1/8" steel to use as a guide in clamping and
locating the parts for welding. These are nothing fanct, set them inside the receiver along
the bottom and drill a few holes through the rivet holes to hold them in with #8 si
These will aid in the alignment and setting the length. The bottom photos show them in place.

I wont to make airsoft replika can you send me plans od parts whit dimensions

Re: My Build, step by step

Post by longwaytofall »

Hi all!
I love the site. I am pleased to say that I am planning on making my next gun build be the m53, and I can't wait! What a totally cool peice of hardware. I have build an FAL, and am currently in the process of building an AR and a milled yugo underfolder AK that will be welded back together.
I have access to a full machine shop, and I know how to TIG weld. If possible I would love to find a kit that has a complete demilled receiver so I can weld it back together, rather than buying receiver peices from the aftermarket and making them work. I have more time than money!
Right now I am trying to soak up as much info as possible, so I buy the right stuff the first time. I have seen a couple tutorials, but I really wanted to see the one by Pirate. Unfortunately it looks like the site is down, is there another place where the tutorial is posted?
I sure hope I get a chance to check it out.

Thanks everyone!
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Re: My Build, step by step

Post by dlbard »

Hello longwaytofall I and a few others are currently building an M53. mechwarrior is currently building one too. I have posted some pics so far and the feedback I have gotten has been very helpful. I got my kit about 6 weeks ago.I got the bolt done and the fcg all most done. Every thing else is cleaned up and ready to wed. My receiver should be here any day now from BRP corp. From a guess, I believe some people here have been around the MG for decades. So ,lots of info to absorb and ready to be had. I am an industrial mechanic and have a novice back ground in machining, lots of time welding and cnc machine maintenance. So if I can be of any help please let me know.
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Re: My Build, step by step

Post by 42rocker »

Welcome longwaytofall to the site.
Yes a lot of stuff has been lost here and there due to server changes and getting hacked a couple of times. The mods (great guys) are doing the best that they can in keeping things in order.
Try this for the pirate's stuff

I'll keep looking for an another link that still has the pics from this old build.Bil or someone that wants to chime in and help out on this one...
I saw this great topic and it took a few tries printed this site while it still had the pics on it. Look at it often.

Good Luck

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Re: My Build, step by step

Post by Bil »

I will look through my old pics,I have a ton of them saved,maybe even the right ones! :? ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert


Post by Mechwarrior »

TOM R wrote:pirate sells premodded bolts and grips, or just the parts, you need to be present for a reciever weld up or send it to a licensed builder :D
If i am reading this correctly, you can weld up a demilled receiver for someone else as long as they are present when you do it or else it has to be welded by a licensed builder? Just courious.
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Re: My Build, step by step

Post by 42rocker »

On 09/02/2013 I posted a pdf with most of the thread and pics at the start of this thread.

Later 42rocker
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Re: My Build, step by step

Post by rodom »

Hi Pirate!
As your posts are almost 10 years old, I was curious as to the final product. How did it work out for you? There are no pictures of the jigs and things you made, and I was hoping you or someone might have them available. Did you parkerize the receiver and other major parts? I was thinking that once I had my shells welded and slots cut I might take the receiver to a local shop here for bluing. Here's a question for the membership - what kinds of finishes have you put on your projects?
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