Help with Build

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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

Ok i made the first cut got the cammin block on but ran out of dremmel discs so cant get the other side on yet. But based on thus point i started marking the receiver based on the srawings i got from gunbroker.

To answer your question i dont have any prior machinists skills just kinda floating through this, hence why im gathering all the information i can, i have a gunsmith local im good friends with but he made it clear he wants nothing to do with this build
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

Here are some pics
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Sw1ngK1ng »

Trayce1911 wrote:To answer your question i dont have any prior machinists skills just kinda floating through this, hence why im gathering all the information i can, i have a gunsmith local im good friends with but he made it clear he wants nothing to do with this build
Building these guns are pretty far past the ability of most gunsmiths so I doubt he would have been a lot of help anyways. Its probably going to be harder without a milling machine not not impossible. Do you have any calipers atleast? Have you looked at the diagrams I sent you a link to? Those diagrams should have almost every measurement you need.
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

Sw1ngK1ng wrote:
Trayce1911 wrote:To answer your question i dont have any prior machinists skills just kinda floating through this, hence why im gathering all the information i can, i have a gunsmith local im good friends with but he made it clear he wants nothing to do with this build
Building these guns are pretty far past the ability of most gunsmiths so I doubt he would have been a lot of help anyways. Its probably going to be harder without a milling machine not not impossible. Do you have any calipers atleast? Have you looked at the diagrams I sent you a link to? Those diagrams should have almost every measurement you need.
Yes ive seen the brp diagrams before im using those and a set i got off gunbroker when i can get them scanned ill upload them. I have a small set of calipers and intend to purchase a bigger pair as i dont kniw what happened to mine.
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

So was drawing the charging handle slot. And was messing with my machined ratchet plate from global machine and i dawned on me is the charging handle supposed to glide in the cut in the ratchet plate? It seems like it should, also how much room for for varience is there for measurements on the cutouts on all holes? Because the different prints i see say different things varring by a few thousands to an 8th of an inch so just curious as long as it all pits snug it sgould be good yes?
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Sw1ngK1ng »

Trayce1911 wrote:So was drawing the charging handle slot. And was messing with my machined ratchet plate from global machine and i dawned on me is the charging handle supposed to glide in the cut in the ratchet plate? It seems like it should, also how much room for for varience is there for measurements on the cutouts on all holes? Because the different prints i see say different things varring by a few thousands to an 8th of an inch so just curious as long as it all pits snug it sgould be good yes?

The cut that you have to make in the ratchet plate if it isn't already made by the place you ordered in from should be about in the center of the divots. They are there so when you make the cut there is still enough material to stay strong. And yes, the charging handle dose glide in the ratchet plate cut. I will sent a picture in a few mins. I would recumbent sticking to one set of prints. The diagram from brp is nicely laid out so I would go with that one not to mention it worked on mine. The charging handle doesn't really have to be a tight fit as long as it doesn't fall out. Its going to take some fudging to make it fit right and unless you have done 100 of them it will be hard to make it tight and smooth.
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Sw1ngK1ng »

Here is a picture of how the charging handle sits in the cuts;

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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

Ok... guess mine was cut too small ill have to fix it later. I have trouple reading some of the prints from brp witch is why im using some measurements from multiple sources. It seems they are all fairly close just slightly smaller or largwr of an area removed i figured to go mostly on the smaller side so i can remove more if nessicarry
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Sw1ngK1ng »

Trayce1911 wrote:Ok... guess mine was cut too small ill have to fix it later. I have trouple reading some of the prints from brp witch is why im using some measurements from multiple sources. It seems they are all fairly close just slightly smaller or largwr of an area removed i figured to go mostly on the smaller side so i can remove more if nessicarry

The BRP prints are in cad. There are two zeros, one for the x axis and one for the y axis. The rest of the measurements are the distance from the zero unless otherwise stated. That sounds like a good way to do it if your going to use both prints. Good luck!!!
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

Sw1ngK1ng wrote:
Trayce1911 wrote:Ok... guess mine was cut too small ill have to fix it later. I have trouple reading some of the prints from brp witch is why im using some measurements from multiple sources. It seems they are all fairly close just slightly smaller or largwr of an area removed i figured to go mostly on the smaller side so i can remove more if nessicarry

The BRP prints are in cad. There are two zeros, one for the x axis and one for the y axis. The rest of the measurements are the distance from the zero unless otherwise stated. That sounds like a good way to do it if your going to use both prints. Good luck!!!

Yea not sure how to read that. I dont know how to read blue prints. My prints are using a lime from the rear to a certain point and lists the measurements then the width of the cutout is insude the sutout lines easier for me to read, if like ti use brp but jusy dont.know how
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

So i cut the top out and roughly fit the top cover, cut it undersized so i can adjust as needed, the feed tray wont sit flat yet, gita file the area where its raised in the front all in all though not too shabby.
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Re: Help with Build

Post by hakentt »

wow that looks crude.
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

hakentt wrote:wow that looks crude.
Kind of is really i got sharpies a dremmel tool and some other basic hand tools, nothing professional here but its gunna work
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Der Alder »

Trayce1911 wrote:
hakentt wrote:wow that looks crude.
Kind of is really i got sharpies a dremmel tool and some other basic hand tools, nothing professional here but its gunna work
You can get good results that look like it was machined with a dremel. Get some good metal working files, when you get it roughed in and smooth it out with filing.
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

Thats the rkute i was going for gunna file the hell out of it till its all square and pretty. Got the BRP gristick fitted just gots snooth out the cut areas a bit now and rough cut the charging handle slot. Cant decided if i should splice the remaining ratchet plate to the new one or try ti remkve it from the mg3 rear all together...
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

So i got everything all smoothed out that was ALOT of filing god. The charging handle trac is cit in the receiver groves but it feels really tight i dont wanna grind through the grooves ive seen a few people grinding a few thousanths off their charging handle before is thus advised? Pretty much other then that im waiting on an mg3 buffer cause my m53 buffer doesn't fit the mg3 rear half i ordered. Then im welding and lineing up the rails
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Re: Help with Build

Post by JBaum »

If you're getting an MG3 buffer, you'll need a stock that isn't Yugo, too.
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Re: Help with Build

Post by Trayce1911 »

jbaum wrote:If you're getting an MG3 buffer, you'll need a stock that isn't Yugo, too.
Thanks i knew that for now ill just focus on the buffer the stock can wait
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Re: Help with Build

Post by blackreichswehr »

I admire your zest on building the hardest part kit on earth, without planning and forethought. I suggest you slow down, I know your at a disadvantage not having machine tools--cosmeticly speaking. the areas you have opened, give the impression of ( I can't wait to get this step done so I can advance on to the next). I am not out to knock you but, the work you have done thus far, it looks like you used a chisel to make those openings.
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Re: Help with Build

Post by blackreichswehr »

sorry, my former post, wasn't helpful. get yourself some layout blue and a metal scribe. make your cuts on the inside of the line, use squares for all your layouts. did you measure each side of the receiver shells? one side or the other, maybe both-- may need some milling, be advised of your O.D.
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