by Bil » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:38 pm
I am reading a good book,"The Teapot Dome Scandal" ,by Laton McCatrney.He has also written another good one on Bechtel Corp. You see the corruption that ran the country even in the 20s.Things we see happening today.Crooked,corrupt elected and appointed officials.Elections bought.Lying,scheming ba$tards taking from the American people vast sums without any care about how it affects anyone but themselves.Big businessmen in cahoots with government officials,bending the rules and using payoffs to enrich both ,the public be damned.The same stuff that has brought the country to the state it is in now.The only diferance is that at that time,there were still honest politicians [a few] that knew what was right and what wasa wrong,and were willing to stand up for their principles.When was the last time you heard that word being used in referance to any sort of official.How about the word 'shame'? It was something that was not always felt by the guilty parties,but instead,it was something that was heaped upon them by outraged citizens.Now the guilty have no shame,either from within or from the sheeple.we will see a bit of change when we see some poor sap that worked all of his life and scrimped and saved for a little bit of comfort and lost it all has finally had enough.When someone like that walks into a fancy restaurant and blows the head off some corporate bigwig eating a $500 dinner after serving 6 months in a country club 'jail'.All we are seeing is frustrated people that are at their wits end,totally helpless and with no idea what to do,and end up killing some totally innocent folks at some shopping mall.The people that get hurt are just like them.It needs to happen in the financial offices,the country clubs,the yacht clubs.And not random,it has to happen to those responsable.Only then will they begin to wake up.Am I advocating this?? NO!! But the corruption that has permeated our society cannot be cleaned up in the ballot box. The folks that got those government bailouts and then gave bonuses should be followed by people holding signs,pointing out exactly who stole grandmas savings.Places that cater to them should be made to feel shame for taking stolen money.Corrupt officials should go to the same jails as the other thieves.The things they bought should be taken away and their families turned out into the streets to work or starve.It may sound harsh,but it's OK,none of this will ever happen-there is no resolve left to enact these measures.It will continue as it has,but each time someone gets away with something,it will make the next crook even more bold.God help us all. ---bil
I am reading a good book,"The Teapot Dome Scandal" ,by Laton McCatrney.He has also written another good one on Bechtel Corp. You see the corruption that ran the country even in the 20s.Things we see happening today.Crooked,corrupt elected and appointed officials.Elections bought.Lying,scheming ba$tards taking from the American people vast sums without any care about how it affects anyone but themselves.Big businessmen in cahoots with government officials,bending the rules and using payoffs to enrich both ,the public be damned.The same stuff that has brought the country to the state it is in now.The only diferance is that at that time,there were still honest politicians [a few] that knew what was right and what wasa wrong,and were willing to stand up for their principles.When was the last time you heard that word being used in referance to any sort of official.How about the word 'shame'? It was something that was not always felt by the guilty parties,but instead,it was something that was heaped upon them by outraged citizens.Now the guilty have no shame,either from within or from the sheeple.we will see a bit of change when we see some poor sap that worked all of his life and scrimped and saved for a little bit of comfort and lost it all has finally had enough.When someone like that walks into a fancy restaurant and blows the head off some corporate bigwig eating a $500 dinner after serving 6 months in a country club 'jail'.All we are seeing is frustrated people that are at their wits end,totally helpless and with no idea what to do,and end up killing some totally innocent folks at some shopping mall.The people that get hurt are just like them.It needs to happen in the financial offices,the country clubs,the yacht clubs.And not random,it has to happen to those responsable.Only then will they begin to wake up.Am I advocating this?? NO!! But the corruption that has permeated our society cannot be cleaned up in the ballot box. The folks that got those government bailouts and then gave bonuses should be followed by people holding signs,pointing out exactly who stole grandmas savings.Places that cater to them should be made to feel shame for taking stolen money.Corrupt officials should go to the same jails as the other thieves.The things they bought should be taken away and their families turned out into the streets to work or starve.It may sound harsh,but it's OK,none of this will ever happen-there is no resolve left to enact these measures.It will continue as it has,but each time someone gets away with something,it will make the next crook even more bold.God help us all. ---bil