Hello to everyone from Europe
i am a on this forum and i would like first to show you my MG with some of the accessories
and i apologyse for my english...
ps the MG was build in late 44 so i am looking for a genuine wood stock to replace my bakelite
Very nice--- is the cover welded closed ,it looks that way? --- also the ammo can in the upper left of the photo , the white circle with the red in the center, what is that? I have a can with the white circle red cross on the lid and VerbandKasten on the side, probably not a issued thing but a in field addition.
Very nice,welcome aboard! one of my 42s has the same marks,I think it may have been a little wide and was ground to make the topcover fit better. ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
thanks for your comment
and don't worry it's not a fake one
for the box with the red circle it's a MG ammo box reused as medical boxe generally on vehicle
here is some mores closers pics with the differents marks and waffenamts
I do have WWII wood Buttstocks, they are not on my website. They are oil-soaked,
Stripped , missing the wire wrap and have chips on the leading edge, also no waffen ampts. if there is any interest, I'll offer them up, one by one.
That's sick! Someday you may look mat that and say'what was I thinking!' Actually,I would be interested in two of the internals,the metal piece that holds the buffer spring.I am trying to work on a full-size spring setup and don't want to experiment on a good one.Let me know if you have some for sale. ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
At least you could have taken those old useless stocks and use sell them as templates for those interetsed in making of replica stocks. I have a RC k98 stock stock here with bullet damage in the butt and cracks behind the crosslug and reciever mounting holes that is useless for a rifle, but useful for taking dimensions off of for reshaping those Boyd's laminated replica stocks to the correct shape and dimensions. Something to think about.
I think he actually sells the repro stocks,nice ones,too.That reminds me of the pics of all those rusty guns,attributed to various places around the world. ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
joelmc wrote:i am looking for a genuine wood stock to replace my bakelite
Joel , we have another member from europe looking for a baklite stock maybe he has a wood stock to trade.
Perhaps the two of you can work something out. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6664
"good , bad, .....I'm the man with the gun."
Its amazing anything works right around here with a bunch of
over-age juvenile delinquents running the place.
Everyone ALWAYS overreacts to that pic. They were really bad, I mean bad, no good, not good for anything, crap, junk. I still have 55 gallon drums full of wood stocks that are WAY better than those, but still not even "b" grade. If I sold them, except one by one with many pics of the defects, there would be very few satisified customers. I can't afford to sell less than the best. Check out my feedback. Its hard to maintain that in this business.
Or any business!! You are right,to keep a reputation like yours,you can't afford to sell the bad stuff,and why keep it.It is still kind of sad to see the pics of piles of guns and parts all cut up or broken ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert