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OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:34 pm
by ScottD
After 10 months of painstaking work and budgeting, I finally took the 42 out to the range today. I set her up on the tripod and loaded one round. Tied a string to the trigger bar, stood back and pulled.......BANG!

OK, lets try two. BANG BANG. Cycling was perfect. Now Five......all good. Now ten.....all good. Not a single malfunction whatsoever. I cant tell you how happy I am. Despite my crappy welding skills and rudementary butchering with a dremel, she works fine. Im still in disbelief.

Id like to thank this forum and all its members. Salt, Pirate, and Panach in particular for suppling such quality parts, services and information. I couldnt have done it without you guys.

Now lets see if I can get a pic to post


Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:36 pm
by ScottD

Please ignore the stupid look on my face. I was still in shock that it worked! :shock:

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:49 pm
by bolex
Congratulations! It's and new 42! Now all ya have to do is feed the hungry weapon.

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 6:01 pm
by ScottD
My ONLY complaint is the trigger slap that the AR trigger group has. My finger felt like it was broken after 2-3 rounds. Is this common? Any cures other than foam and duct tape?

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 7:47 pm
by Bil
Congratulations! :D Looks real good.I laughed at the remark about the string,that was how I first fired mine! :lol: ---bil

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:04 pm
by sdk1968

congrats on the gun!!!!!!

its worth every second of it aint it?? LOL

yes you can fix the ar trigger slap......

im told the cure is a FAL trigger group instead.

im sure that one of the pros here wil have a answer for you on that trigger set up.

now you gotta get that thing on the ground and get you some bunrmarks on your arm!!!

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:22 pm
by bolex
My AR trigger doesn't slap, wiselite grip.

You may be able to shim it so the trigger travel is limited after the sear releases.

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:18 pm
by PvtJoker
Congrats!!! I remember reading in a prior post that the AR trigger slap issue was fixed by drilling and installing a pin underneath where the hammer comes down after it travels enough to engage but before it bottoms out and hits (which transfers back through to the trigger, and your finger). Perhaps someone eles could give a better description, or you could do a search on the site for it?

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 8:53 am
Congrats! Hope you work out the little trigger bug.

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:28 am
by tomcatshaas
I posted what to do about the trigger slap. I will try to find it again. Or you can contact
Panaceabeachbum, and have him locate and drill the hole for the AR safety. Some here have just installed a set screw to limit the travel of the trigger. I had pbb drill the hole and I just installed a dowel pin and set screw to keep it from turning until I make a push safety for it.


Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:31 am
by tomcatshaas
viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5438&p=42016&hilit ... lap#p42016

I will try to upload the pictures again. My home network is down until I can get a new router. Router took a dump this weekend.


Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:49 pm
Very decent of you, TC...

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:03 pm
by artech
I'm not sure how helpful this will be, but on AR's trigger slap is usually caused by the back tab of the hammer smashing down on top of the disconnector/trigger, usually from an oversized gas port resulting in excessive bolt speed. Obviously, a gas port problem isn't the case with your rifle, and if it's running, I wouldn't mess with the bolt speed or anything else. There might be a simple fix for your problem though.

Check the top rear of your disconnector and trigger for an impact mark or peening. You may be able to cut away some of the back of your hammer to provide some more clearance; this may be simpler than installing a limiting pin but you might need more spring to compensate for a lighter hammer. The other way to reduce the hammer impact on the trigger is to radius or bevel the rear of the bolt where it cocks the hammer to slow the cocking process slightly.

It's hard to see down there, but if you can check under the hammer when it's being held down by the bottom of the bolt, it should only go down far enough to engage the disconnector, and not much further. This is one of those three-hand deals, where you need to hold the trigger back while simultanously holding back the bolt and checking the hammer/disco engagement with your third hand... :crash: Watch out for your fingers!

If the hammer is being pushed down too far it can strike the back of the trigger even when operated slowly and this will really sting your trigger finger when you shoot. It's easy to feel the hammer drag in an AR but it would be pretty difficult to feel it in an SA42. If it's down too far you might take some more off the bottom of your bolt to allow the hammer to ride higher.

Hope this helps.

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:21 pm
by tomcatshaas

the trigger slap in the panaceabeachbum MG42 grip is due to the fact that he does not drill the AR safety hole in the MG42 style grip if you don't ask him too....there for there is no safety bar to limit the travel of the trigger so you pull the trigger back wayyyy to far and then as you said the bolt flys back and resets the hammer and kicks the trigger forward all wayyyy to fast for you to get your finger out of the way. Either drill the hole
for the AR style safety or drill and install a set screw to limet the travel of the trigger.


Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:44 pm
by tomcatshaas
pbb MG42 grip

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:14 pm
by MG34Biker
Outstanding! For every home-built MG42 semi, Janet Reno gets a yeast infection.

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:48 am
rotflmbao LOL!!!

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:42 am
by ScottD
Well I had a hell of a time with the bolt/hammer clearance issue. I ground darn near half the hammer off and even had to take off some material on top of the disconector. I dont know If I should take more off the bolt or keep working the hammer/disconnector issue. A little tinkering will fix it, but Im hesitant to really start grinding the bolt. I will say that the trigger slap is unbearable, I only fired about 5 rounds and put her back on the tripod....finger was throbbing.

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:58 pm
by propos
Congrats, Scott D. Good to see that the old tie a string to the trigger and stand back and pull method still works. That's how the first shot out of my 42 was fired. I also stood behind a pole.
I installed a pin in my grip to limit the overtravel. So I don't have any trigger slap at all with my AR15 setup. I used a gripstick from Angola Dan to make my AR15 gripstickie. I used the original safety. I had to weld an extension onto the trigger to make it work. Which it does perfectly. Oh, and I used a heavy duty Wolff hammer spring also. I don't know if I really needed it but what the hey. It don't hurt to have it.

Re: OMG it works! Flawlessly! I think I just peed a little!

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:38 pm
by xano
Scott I used a hay string on my first test fire. I had a few trigger problems also and ended up grinding much of my hammer and also doing some work on the disconnect. I ended up using casenite to reharden the face of my hammer and went to a wolf spring. Lots of trial and error but it eventually worked out.