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Stop the insanity!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:46 pm
by nutsrusted ... m=85296055

For that price it had better include the vasoline.

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:54 pm
by Bil
I find it hard to believe that price! I hope the price of rivets didn't inflate it too much!! :lol: It reminds me of the Barret-Jackson auctions. ---bil

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:41 pm
by ppsh41
WOW some people are nuts :shock: I sold one of dans 3 cut recvs not to long ago for $950

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:52 pm
by Bil
And I got a full kit and receiver,plus almost what he is selling for 1200! I really don't think that this sale reflects anything other than either someone with too much money,or someone that didn't do much research.I would hope you could do better.The 950 for an entire cut receiver is closer to the real price. ---bil

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:32 pm
by Abominog
The seller probably had some retard buddy bid on it, then nobody else did.

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:01 am
by GrayWolf

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:08 pm
by ScottD
Even if my semi build doesnt work, Ill take my receiver and cut it up and sell it on gunbroker! Ill make a killing!

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:13 pm
by Keep Up The Fire
There is a sucker born every minute, to bad the world is full of them, but there again who would we sell are stuff to. :lol:

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:53 am
by URAR1004 ... m=86475300

What's up with this, and it's still going??????? No parts kits????
This has been on and off gunbroker for a while now........Maybe he'll get it sold?? ... m=86389616

This guy is just getting over 1K with two parts kits?????
2 parts kits 400.00 puts the receiver just over $604.00

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:48 am
by Bil
The second one is a guy here,it was posted last week.I wish I had the bucks to spare-thats what happens when you think you need everything! :? The first one would go good with the front half in the beginning of this thread.Just get a parts kit and you will be on your way.He may have one for around $600 or so.I notice in most of these ads the descriptive word 'minty'.I suppose that refers to the mouthwash you use to get the bad taste out after you spend a pile of money for half of a gun with no parts.Wait till the guys with piles of 2000 dollar 53 kits see this! :shock: ---bil

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:35 pm
by cz2
Insanity?,maybe not.The complete bbl.jacket,no cuts in bearing end,no cuts in the caming section= all the important dimensions/locations for correct gun function.The rear just mounts the stock,fcg,and the rails to guide bolt.The front end controls locking/unlocking,timing of ops.
It would sure save me 3 welds,one that is going to be tough to get correct.I'd probably go a grand on it!Sell the"minty"bbl. and have the better 1/2 for 800$,why not?
:? Enough ramblings from me,later lads.

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:20 pm
by Bil
Add this and you are done!! :lol:

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:24 pm
by ppsh41
:shock: $2474 for a mg42 front end I just mite have to sell mine with all the rest of the parts

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:30 pm
by Bil
This has got to be either a scam ,fake sale,or just plain lunacy :shock: There is no way this reflects any sort of real-world value.I would love to know the real story on this. ---bil

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:53 pm
by ppsh41
two bidders fighting to pay over 2g's for this part crazzzzzzzzy

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:13 am
by PvtJoker
:shock: Mein Gott!!!

Either the dollar is REALLY getting worthless, or our little projects are suddenly being made out of genuine Unobtainium!!!

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:35 am
by Demontrooper
Ok, here I come out of left field; I know I have not been around recently ha ha.

I think that there are some dealers trying to raise the market prices of these items by staging auctions, so that they can sell their stuff off legitimately at a newer higher price. I watched that guy from do it to a lot of the stuff he sells. I think that he might even be completely responsible for raising the prices of MP40 parts sets (a few years ago); since he was the only guy dealing them at the time. I remember how mp40 sets used to cost under 1k, then he started selling his for $2,000, and the market prices skyrocketed.

I'm still here guys, just float around a bit: I don't have much to say except that my finals are this week.

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:30 am
by bolex
Demontrooper wrote:I'm still here guys, just float around a bit: I don't have much to say except that my finals are this week.

Good luck.

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:21 am
by Bil
Yes,good luck-just be carefull-then comes graduation,followed by the outside world! :lol: My advise-don't do it!! :shock: ---bil

Re: Stop the insanity!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:28 am
by PvtJoker
Bil wrote:Yes,good luck-just be carefull-then comes graduation,followed by the outside world! :lol: My advise-don't do it!! :shock: ---bil
Naahh; there's ALWAYS Grad school!!! :lol: