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Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:39 pm
by TOM R
has everyone that paid posted/ pmed mgw? so we can get this issue resolved? btt

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:25 am
by tomcatshaas
MGW LLC wrote:I have recently been bombarded with questions about the springs.

The simple fact is that there are just too many S/A MG42 variations to make a SINGLE spring for them all. Without the resources to test the variations and develop a spring(s) combination; I have no other recourse than to put the project on hold.
The masses want the spring yesterday but there is little interest in actually testing them. So it is time to refund your money and move on.

Those who have PMed me already know of the planned refund. In response, I have had numerous requests to donate the $6 to

Unless anyone has an objection, I would like to refund the entire amount as a donation to the forum.
The largest single spring order was for 8 springs so we are not talking about massive amounts of money to any one person but the check to the forum would be like $600.

I will give 2 weeks from this posting for anyone NOT wishing to donate their refund to this forum to please contact me via PM.

For those lives I have destroyed over the loss of the spring or $6 bucks, I do deeply apologize. For those that are still interested in a spring down the road, I will continue to work on the them as my time and funds allow.

-Thank you
Lets end this charade now. We gave you an easy out, and donate the funds. It looks like the majority agree that is what should be done. Let's put an end to this now.

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:05 pm
by FKpt.Fritz
by him donating all the funds and perhaps not getting the totals right it will drag this out even further. although the amount that was supposed to go to the forum will be there some people who wanted there refunds may get screwed over and cause this to drag on even further, its probably better to let him get it right the first time.

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:42 pm
by TOM R
I agree with fritz, conrad wants to make things right and is being given the chance to do so and this is something that once it is done it's done so we want it correct so guys are getting their $ refunded the way they want it

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:56 pm
by bikergunnut
his two weeks was over two weeks ago, just another load to keep people off him a couple months......

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:03 pm
by FKpt.Fritz
he did indeed say two weeks... but what he supposed to do when someone says "wheres my money?" is he supposed to say "im sorry the two weeks is over your money isnt yours anymore" it cant work that way,

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 1:01 pm
by bolex
I guess you read that will not accept the spring refunds. Reading between the lines someone is asking the forum for a spring refund because they think that they have received the money. I don't blame them not wanting to get in the middle of this mess. It sounded like a good idea when this was proposed by Conrad, but now it looks like Conrad is going to have to bite the bullet and strat sending out refunds to each individual.

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:08 am
by Diamondjim
This is all starting to sound vaguely familiar.It sounds like no-one has gotten anything back, and Conrad makes promises but never delivers.I am very dissapointed in Conrad, money was sent in good faith, with the expectation of goods being supplied.All we have gotten so far is excuses, then when push comes to shove, a halfhearted sob story about so many varients and no-one would try the prototypes. Place the blame anywhere but where it belongs. Then when he finally agrees to refund the money, we all get the check's in the mail. I was e-mailed a month ago. Well, that falls in to the 3 great lies.Looks like money down a rat hole, and the rat is laughing all the way to the bank. PROVE ME WRONG... CONRAD!

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:05 pm
by KanonDel
Still waiting on my $4000 I sent him for .308 ammo last year, I have a feeling I will never see it again :(

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:38 am
by RaccoonRough
I request a refund as well, PM sent.



Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:10 pm
by carlque
Since we cannot have our refunds sent to the site please send me my refund and I will send it to the site! RIGHT!!! Has ANYONE seen a dime since this started? I doubt it!!! Rod (carlque aka dellque)

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:17 pm
by Bil
I doubt anyone will ever see a cent from this except for Conrad himself.Every time the subject is brought up,he whines about how he is being picked on.Lately he is too cowardly to even show up here himself,but has his lame-a$$ excuses posted second hand.He is going into the military vehicle restoration business now,good luck to those guys that fall afoul of him.Remember,Karma can strike at any time. :shock: .Although I find it hard to believe anyone still believes him,I expect a rebuttal here soon. ---bil

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:35 pm
by ScottD
Whoaaaaa, this is STILL going on? I dont visit this site much anymore, but I thought this would be done and over with. So there is approx. 600 dollars floating around in no mans land right now? This whole thing seems to have turned into a clusterpuck.

Ill take everyones money if it helps end all this...... :D

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:04 pm
by RaccoonRough
Has anyone had any contact at all with Conrad?
I have sent several PM's with few replys over the past months. It has been over a month since last contact.

If I donot receive a refund within two weeks, I am taking this to the Federal Trade Union. I am a LEO in Virginia
and have some Federal contacts, guess I will just have to use them. I am reasonable and very easy to get along with, but
enough is enough.

There has been very suffiencent time to make amends.


Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:29 pm
by RaccoonRough
scratch that, what I really wanted to say was............Federal Trade Commission. I miss not being able to edit our posts. The FTC in the past has always gotten results from Paypal related FRAUD.


Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:55 pm
by Bil
Thank you,RR-and good luck! ---bil

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:04 pm
by FKpt.Fritz
wait a few months untill i get my MG34 back!!!!!!!

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:13 pm
by FKpt.Fritz
unless you want to screw me over $2500 in investment, my stuff is almost done only need 4 or so weeks so he can mail it back all finished. i dont blam you for being mad but i keep getting excuses from sherman who has missed deadline 6 times and im still out a ppsh41 and you dont see me taking leagle action. have some patientce ill email him tomorrow and see whats up. again.

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:25 am
by Bil
Fritz-are you sure you aren't already being screwed and don't realize it? After all,if Conrad will lie to all of us over $600 plus,why wouldn't he lie to you over $2500 plus.If I were you,I would be asking myself that question.Good luck to you.And you have mentioned this quite a while ago-months ago.Now he needs several more months? Is this being carved fron solid steel with hand tools? ---bil

Re: Springs Refunds Everyone Pls Read

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:57 am
by FKpt.Fritz
i piece i sent him was pretty bad so i was expecting along time so yes it may very well be being carved from solid steel with hand tools it is a mg34 so you all know how that is. it doesnt have long so he is only a month behind the origanal finish date he gave me as of right now. i was going to send him my 42 to get running %100 to but with everyone about to take leagle action over $24 i now need ot hold off on that wich means the 34 will take more time because the money i was going to pay for the 42 finish was going to be used to finish the 34. (it was a trade deal)