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Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:11 pm
by DDayDog
WLA is a great outfit. They will fix the problem with your weapon. I have heard nothing but good info. about these people. They have always been quick to answer questions and stand behind their product.

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:49 pm
by Der Alder
I think when you look at the complexity of mass producing this type of firearm the WLA M53 has been quite reliable for most buyers.

Not knocking BRP (they are great too), but since they were mentioned earlier, from what I’ve read here the BRP’s have not always been perfect either, some have had feeding problems and cracking receivers if I recall. These are not easy guns to mass produce for anyone.

But at any rate, considering the number of WLA M53’s built; I’m amazed at how well the vast majority have performed for first time buyers. WLA is good to deal with, they will get you fixed up.

Keep us posted on how you make out.

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:49 pm
by wiselitearms
Tony has a couple of these guns that do shoot quite fast. When fired from the twin AA mount the noise level is impressive.
Sorry about the run around on the manual. Century puts the manual, the other belts (other than the one we test in the gun) and the ammo can into the transit chest that we ship the M53's in. If you contact me at the "INFO" account I can attach the last REV of the manual. I have it in .PDF format on my home computer. It annoys me that even though they have been notified more than once, Century continues to supply the draft manual. I suspect they ran off a LOT of them and won't update until the supply is exhausted.

In response to another comment and on another topic, we just bought two new pulse welders and next week will be hiring operators for them. These machines will be dedicated to producing STIRLINGS. The line is coming together and the intent is MASS production. The "Works" is stacked up with parts (both original and new made semi-auto parts), it is all coming togther. APEX gun parts will be selling STIRLING conversion parts at some point in the near future. They already have the STIRLING kits.

I don't always check the forums, but I do always check my WLA accounts. If anyone has a question or problem with a WLA product please e-mail me and I will get you what you need.

Richard C. Hamer

Wise Lite Arms
Class II Manufacturer
FAX: (940) 433-8096

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:50 pm
by rocco1911
:jump: :snoopy: :bnija: :wnana: :cheer: :thanks:

WLA 53

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:50 am
by 12thWaffenSS
I just wanted to add that I have a WLA M53 that I bought new and I'm very happy with it now. I've had nothing but satisfaction from Mr. Hamer at WiseLite Arms with the one small issue I had.

I'm looking forward to bringing the M53 to re-enactments now that I have the 2 piece blank barrel made for it too.

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:15 pm
by jakharath
***** U P D A T E *****

WLA called yesterday with the tracking number for my M53. Took a 1/2 day of vacation this morning to be here when FedEx arrived. The M53 was delivered a few minutes ago (long enough to unpackage and inspect).

For starters the action is soooo much crisper and cleaner than it was. I can pull the charging handle all the way back now with my off hand (I'm a lefty. Wait! Left HANDED, not liberal. Never liberal. Dammit.)

Here's what is listed on the invoice:

Warranty repair to customer's M53 Rifle
Replaced trigger with new modification
Replaced bent trigger and hammer pins
Repaired rear firing pin (mushroomed)
Replaced missing rear firing pin spring
Adjusted feed
Exchanged recoil nozzle and buffer spring for improved recoil motion
Exchanged butt stock
Fired 3 different belt of 30 rounds without a miss
Additional belt included
New firing pin and new spring included
New trigger pin included
New hammer pin included

They even threw in a 50 round belt and starter tab!

Everything looks in order. I have no idea how it had bent parts.

Weather permitting I will go to the range and run a few hundred rounds thru her. I will post a range report afterwards.

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:25 pm
by noonxnoon
alright Jakharath!

Glad to hear you got your 53 back and looks like they had to do alot of little fixes. Seems you got a model now the rest of us envy!

Looking forward to hearing your range report

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:05 pm
by jakharath
* * * * * U P D A T E * * * * *

Saturday took the newly repaired M53 to Gunsmoke shooting range outside of College Station, TX. I successfully fired four full belts plus a partial. A full belt and the partial were from rounds that didn't fire the last time at the range. "Vera" fired everything just fine. At 100 yards it was shooting a little high. I shoot from the left shoulder and after the third belt started switching between the left and right shoulders. I stopped shooting because my index fingers were warn out. Trigger pull is a little stiff. :) Othere than that, I am way impressed. Wise Lite Arms did a wonderful job on the gun.

Now I'm off to buy more feed for Vera... she's a hungry girl...

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:21 pm
by noonxnoon

Glad to hear everything got fixed and you are happy with it!

Guess it is a good thing your finger starts to hurt after going through all those rounds...if it didn't you'd be going through house and home for ammo to feed her!

Thanks for the update. Good to know you got great support from WLA

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:14 am
by rocco1911
What I want to know is when those Sterlings are gonna be coming out :?

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:13 am
by wiselitearms
I appreciate that you took the time to do a wrap up to this post.
I am glad to read that you are enjoying your range time with the M53.
I too wore out several fingers on my shooting hand while running a long belt thru one of the first PKM's that we had in test.

You will be pleased to know that Tony spent the entire weekend personally inspecting and testing semi-auto RPD's and Sterlings. Several hundred of the Sterlings are already moving to the distribution warehouse. One bottleneck though, we were not provided the packaging/boxes that were promised. That caused a delay in delivery. Kits and magazines they can get to us, but not the packaging for the firearms. Typical....

Richard C. Hamer

Wise Lite Arms
Class II Manufacturer
FAX: (940) 433-8096

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:17 am
by rocco1911
Thats Great news thanks Rich :wnana: Heck I'll take it without the box any discount for no box :lol:

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:14 am
by Der Alder
My dealings with WLA have been top notch as well. Glad to see WLA took good care of you. As most of the expert builders here will agree these are not always easy builds to get running perfectly in semi, things can and do go wrong, especially when building hundreds of them. Sometimes even testing them with 50 rounds cannot always replicate the exact same conditions of the end user (operation, belts, lube, ammo, etc.) But to me the biggest thing is how folks are dealt with after a purchase if they do have a problem and I think this thread speaks for itself. I’m glad to know WLA is there if I do have a problem or need parts for my WLA M53.

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:11 pm
by jakharath
Yes, after this experiance I would purchase another WLA product without hesitation.

On the web I ran across an AK-47 pistol made by WLA. Looks sweet. Can't seem to find one online though :(

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:10 am
by 42rocker
Just bring up an old tread to show some problems and what was done to fix them in the long run.

Later 42rocker

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 6:12 pm
by oakrodent
Ooohhh the good old days lol. Still a good thread

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 12:21 pm
by blackreichswehr
a fellow should never, never ever use break free on firearm. it eats steel, its made to remove rusted in bolts. find out for yourself, soak a bolt in it for 2 weeks and you'll see the effect.

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:39 pm
by jakharath
*** UPDATE ***

Purchased a MG3 tripod and the 308 conversion parts for my M53. The tripod is a must have! I can change calibers in less that five minutes. Haven't had any issues with the M53 since getting it back from WLA. Have put about 1000 rounds thru it. Ran another 150 rounds thru it last weekend - one belt as fast as the handle could be pulled. :)

Fun guns.

Last year I was in Normandy in a 'surplus' store. Behind the counter was a MG-34. Asked to fondle, er I mean hold it. It was georgous. Opened it up and everyting was in great condition. It had a ball bering hammered into the barrel. That was the only demilling done. No BATF in France. Made me so sad that I couldn't take her home (in one piece).

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:52 am
by 42rocker
Just for the fun of it try following. Move the firing handle on the tripod to a horizontal position and try bouncing your hand on it. Watched another member of this site really rip thru a belt of 50 that way. Might be a touch faster.
Glad you like the tripod. Wait till you get around a old lafette.

Later 42rocker

Re: WLA M53 Problems... HELP!

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:22 pm
by jakharath
Have found out how to 'bump' fire the MG in the tripod. :D

Last December at a camping trip we were 'melting' pumpkins. Put the pumpkins on a tank (Texan for pond) berm and zeroed in the MG on the bottom of the pumpkin. Add a belt or two and the pumpkin disappears. :D

It's fun until you realize how much 308 was going down range. Meh, it was still fun. Hopefully in a year or two I'll have a M1919 up an running.