Marstar receivers

Anything MG42 related.
Michael J

Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Michael J »

Well some bad news... money for the receiver is currently being used elsewhere :( .
However good news is, this will give me a month or 2 to figure out the RIGHT way to go about doing my build. I will have to make a number of phone calls, hopefully only once to each location i have to contact. Firstly i must reconfirm all the laws with the Canadian Firearms Center (I think similar to your BATF?). Secondly i must speak with either Marstar's John, or one of their other helpful staff. And thirdly, i can imagine them redirecting me to other places for more information.

There are a few firearms dealers in my gun club, and other ww2-era firearms collectors (maybe builders?) that may be able to give me some information.

The laws may be softer up north of the border here, but i would really rather not take a chance on the subject.

I shall keep everyone posted whenever i get around to phoning marstar and the firearms center. Maybe even add a small section on canadian laws in the faq, as i'm sure i'm not the only canadian who views this forum for help! Maybe some of the information i find can aid in your guys's epic quest for cheap mg34 receivers across the border.
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by ScottD »

I think you may be sitting on a gold mine here. If you can get these receivers with the nose sections intact, people would pay thru the nose. 300 USD is not an uncommon price for that part. BUT, if it were that easy, someone would have already have done it. Spend some time looking into the legality of all may just be Canadas next millionaire. :D

Hey, about bringing those parts to school.....the bolt head is about all you are going to pull off. (The camming piece needs to be drilled and looks like a little wedge) I wouldnt even think about the bolt or :gasp: the trigger housing.
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Bil »

Prussia-I am at the opposite diagonal of the state from Century-about two hours-not too far at all.There used to be a lot more going on up in that area,during the Vietnam War they made the electric gun up there,and there was a big testing area in Underhill.There was also a big private test area nearby,I went there years ago,not sure if it is still there.Century used to be more lax about getting inside,now it is more like Fort Knox.Still some interesting stuff going on. ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
Michael J

Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Michael J »

ScottD wrote:I think you may be sitting on a gold mine here. If you can get these receivers with the nose sections intact, people would pay thru the nose. 300 USD is not an uncommon price for that part. BUT, if it were that easy, someone would have already have done it. Spend some time looking into the legality of all may just be Canadas next millionaire. :D

Hey, about bringing those parts to school.....the bolt head is about all you are going to pull off. (The camming piece needs to be drilled and looks like a little wedge) I wouldnt even think about the bolt or :gasp: the trigger housing.
I think , as this would be my "first m53 / mg42" build, i will probably pay for Pirate to do the job (unless that is not included in his price, then i could attempt a go at it). Just so i have an example in hand for me to look at, then maybe my second build, i will just buy his conversion kit, and set it up myself.

My main intention for the cheap receivers, was to actually look at selling entire semi auto mg42/m53 guns. I calculated it, and my costs look to be between $1200 - 1500 CAD. However the selling price of these, from what i gathered is between $4000-5000 CAD. They would also be classified as "non restricted" here in canada, the same class as a simple hunting rifle, so essentially anybody could own one (with 4-5 grand to waste :lol:) .

I figure build the first one, IF i can sell it, i'd be tripling to quadrupling my money, allowing me to make 3-4 more guns, and so on. Looking at it this way:
(The most the guns would cost me, and what i think the "average" price it would sell for, possibly sell for more)
1 gun cost me $1500, sell for $4,500
3 guns cost me $4500, I make $13,500
9 guns cost me $13,500, I make $40,500
27 guns cost me $40,500, I make $121,500
... and so on, in "theory".

Although i do figure, as numbers grow larger, individual costs become lower. In this diagram, i have left out all profits, as it may appear, by putting it all back into production costs. However this is only because 4500 is divisible by 1500, just to make it simple. When in actuality, i figure i will be selling for more than just 3 times the costs to manufacture. Thus pulling out maybe $500 from each sale, and putting the rest back into production costs.

Well this will all be in the future, and "Millionaire" i think would be pushing it, but i hope i can at least make enough for a few years of university!

I think the toughest part of this, is getting my mom to agree to applying for a firearms business license! I already conned her into getting a firearms license so i could have a gun 8) :lol:!
Michael J

Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Michael J »

:? still cant figure out how to edit posts...

Something that i didn't think of until after i posted above, is how would this work with it being Pirates parts... Would him being a "subcontractor" be enough, or seeing as it his design, would royalties have to be worked out? I wouldn't have a problem with that, as profits alone are massive. I wonder how the companies that use other designers as subcontractors handle the situation...? I suppose i'll deal with all of this, after i get around to building the first gun, and establish whether or not it can be sold, or more so, how i can find a way to sell it.
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Bil »

All those money thoughts have gone to your head-you can't figure out how to edit a post yet!! :lol: Actually,that was just a joke-the edit function on this site has not functioned for a while.Although it is a pain in the a$$ sometimes,it keeps folks from getting upset and removing valuable info they may have posted,to the detriment of us all.This has happened in the past.Sometimes [if we feel like it] the mods will edit a post,or even remove doubles or spam posts.Sometimes I will correct the spelling or grammer. ---bil
"I dream of a world where I can buy alcohol,tobacco and firearms from the same drive-up window,and use them all on the way home from work!" Dogbert
Michael J

Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Michael J »

Bil wrote:All those money thoughts have gone to your head-you can't figure out how to edit a post yet!! :lol: Actually,that was just a joke-the edit function on this site has not functioned for a while.Although it is a pain in the a$$ sometimes,it keeps folks from getting upset and removing valuable info they may have posted,to the detriment of us all.This has happened in the past.Sometimes [if we feel like it] the mods will edit a post,or even remove doubles or spam posts.Sometimes I will correct the spelling or grammer. ---bil
:lol: , well good to know i'm not a completely "handicapped" in the brain! I suppose no editing has its advantages. Just glad i'm not going crazy :).
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Bil »

I didn't say that,I just said there was no 'edit' feature! :lol: ---bil
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by bolex »

Bil wrote:Prussia-I am at the opposite diagonal of the state from Century-about two hours-not too far at all.There used to be a lot more going on up in that area,during the Vietnam War they made the electric gun up there,and there was a big testing area in Underhill.There was also a big private test area nearby,I went there years ago,not sure if it is still there.Century used to be more lax about getting inside,now it is more like Fort Knox.Still some interesting stuff going on. ---bil
Bill, General Dynamics (was GE a long time ago) is still making (assembling) the feed mechanisms for the Gatling gun in Burlington. I was there in the late 90's at the testing area witnessing testing of a product I was involved in, impressive to say the least.
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Bil »

Years ago I watched them test them from a Huey-I figured it was a good idea to know some of the gear in advance!Yes,it was very impressive!! :shock: ---bil
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by flemgunner »

By gatlin gun do yall mean the Gau2 (minigun). If so Dillon has pretty much cornered the market for those now MUCH more dependable and easier to work feeder/delinker and set up as a whole. Its just a happy feeling when you know you can kill every living thing in a 100yd area :lol:
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Re: Marstar receivers

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So how long before Pirate has a semi-mod for that one too :lol:
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by bolex »

flemgunner wrote:By gatlin gun do yall mean the Gau2 (minigun). If so Dillon has pretty much cornered the market for those now MUCH more dependable and easier to work feeder/delinker and set up as a whole. Its just a happy feeling when you know you can kill every living thing in a 100yd area :lol:
No the one for the F22. The M61 is the basic gun and the feed is different between different aircraft. A little bigger round than Dillon use, kills everything, not just the living.
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by flemgunner »

Yeah I think they use the 25mm. Cool gun but for some damn fool reason only carry a few hundred rounds
Michael J

Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Michael J » wrote:So how long before Pirate has a semi-mod for that one too :lol:
WTB Pirates New semi-auto hand crank for the M61 vulcan :lol:?

Not exactly sure how you'd semi-mod a motorized weapon :shock: ? Ah well, Pirates come this far, based on what i've seen on his website, who knows.


WTB a minigun parts kit? :lol:
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by flemgunner »

Actually the Gau2 would be kinda easy add some sort of interrupter to the rotor and the bolt that doesnt toggle till you pull the "trigger". The damn things jam enough single shot should be easy
Michael J

Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Michael J »

Trigger would just be soo slow though, wouldn't you get better "semi-auto" rpm's with a crank manually attached to where the motor should be? Better yet, add a motor to your gatling guns, and save yourself a few thousand dollars :lol: on a real minigun !
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by bolex »

Michael J wrote:Trigger would just be soo slow though, wouldn't you get better "semi-auto" rpm's with a crank manually attached to where the motor should be? Better yet, add a motor to your gatling guns, and save yourself a few thousand dollars :lol: on a real minigun !
Add the motor and BATF will be unhappy.

The M61 shoots a 20 mm round.

At 6,000 spm that is 100 rounds per second.

This states that the F-16 holds 511 rounds which means 5.1 seconds of firing the gun not counting the 5 to 9 rounds cleared from the barrel when it stops firing.
Michael J

Re: Marstar receivers

Post by Michael J »

Anybody with $17,500 wanna buy this, lend it to pirate to study and mod? :lol:
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Re: Marstar receivers

Post by flemgunner »

I wasnt sure on the status of a cracked gun vs machine gun. If crack is ok that is even easier. Course your clutch would still be hand operated but that aint bad Ive had to do that before.
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