Israeli Tracer Ammo

Anything MG42 related.

Post by PvtJoker »

Propos, in this day and age, an ammo dump IS a money vault!!! :lol:

Post by propos »

Dagobert, come to think of it. Du hast recht. Almost worth as much as all the tea in China. Do they still have tea in China or do they drink Mao water.
Now there is the hell of it. Do I shoot up my ammo...or save it for retirement and then sell it. Decisions. Hmmm.
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Post by ScottD »

I say that reloading is more dangerous because it is subject to human error, whereas current factory ammo is a precision, computer controlled event. Well, it seems I have stirred up a hornets nest. I will continue to shoot my crap 8mm and 308 out of my bolt guns, and Ill be selective about my semi beltfeds. I dont need to worry about feeding full auto's because I live in the Communist occupied state of NY. Im gonna go have a beer and look at my M53 parts kits and demil German receiver and fantasize about the day Im shooting it.

But NOT with Turk ammo............. :roll:
My soultion for everything "Get a bigger hammer or larger caliber!"

Post by PvtJoker »

propos wrote:Dagobert, come to think of it. Du hast recht. Almost worth as much as all the tea in China. Do they still have tea in China or do they drink Mao water.
Now there is the hell of it. Do I shoot up my ammo...or save it for retirement and then sell it. Decisions. Hmmm.
Of course they still have tea in China. Where else would WalMart get it from? :roll: :lol:

And speaking of WalMart, did anybody see ... frame=truethis little number about Walmart selling totenkopf t-shirts? I want to get one and add the Walmart logo over it, and underneath it the words "Today, Bentonville; TOMORROW THE WORLD!" :lol:
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Post by waffendude »


press on with your build--when your done and it's firing correctly---it feels almost as good as sex. :? :? maybe better---just be careful
waffen :)
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Post by ScottD »

Dont know what kinda sex yer havin, but my wife is a 5'8, 120 lb. blond...............and she encourages my gun clooecting! Ill take sex over any gun, any day........

Well, except maybe a .50 in the turret of a M113..........thats a religious experience.... :-P
My soultion for everything "Get a bigger hammer or larger caliber!"

Post by propos »

ScottD, you didn't stir up anything. We're just relating are experiences and hoping to have someone avoid our screwups. We just don't want anyone to get hurt or have your day ruined by picking up the pieces of what use to be a working firearm.
I was shooting '50's Yugo in my SA42. I mean shooting those rounds that went off. The others get shot in my mauser. But it's a semi and I go easy on the trigger. Just a nice steady bang, bang ,bang, bang ,bang ,bang,etc.
Tomorrow I'm going to unload some Turk the Mauser that is. Along with misfires from the beast. Any that don't go bang in the Mauser get broken down for the bullets and the brass for scrap.
I originally was set up for .308 in the old 42, but surplus .308 dried up for the most part. So I converted to 8mm. Well, guess what . "They" heard I was ready to roll in 8mm. So "they" bought up all the good Romanian. So now I'm working on a 7.62x54R conversion and guess what. That crap is starting to get bought up. You guys with your 1919 7.62x54R barrels, give me a break. At least let me buy another case of 7.62x54R.
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Post by Bil »

I guess it's all a lot of fun until you have a mis-fire,or your barrel gets plugged,or blows up.So much for sex.These things are bad with guns,too! :roll: ---bil
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Post by ScottD »

Hey Propos, I have your solution.

1) Move to NY.
2) Go to a range where any more than 20 rnds a minute will get you yelled at.
3) Save on ammo costs.
4) Give me all your extra ammo.

SO WTF does the Turk ammo shoot SO high? IM serious when I say its like 12-14 inches high. Ive got about 400 rnds of the stuff leftover (the good steel jacketed AP stuff) that I dont shoot because you cant hit poopy with it!)
My soultion for everything "Get a bigger hammer or larger caliber!"
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Post by Bil »

Just wondering-when you are shooting 12-14 '' high,at what distances are you shooting?I do some shooting with an AR 15,and at most it's 100 yds. These guns will reach out there,what do you typically shoot? We don't have a range where I live,so I have no idea.Thanks. ---bil

Post by propos »

ScottD, I wouldn't move to NY for all the tea in China. Come to Pa. Disregard that idiot in the gov's mansion. Rumor is he won't stay to finish his last term. He thought he could run Pa. like he did that crap hole Philly. He found out differently. Here you can have any FA you want, CCW is shall issue, at most ranges you can blast away, and most clubs aren't expensive to join. Mine is $50 to join and $30 there after. Except for the week before hunting season, generally me and my buddy have the range to ourselves. Longest range is 200yrds. I'm trying to convince the guy in charge of the rifle range to put in a 300 yarder. We have the territory. We also have a trap range if you like shooting clay birds too. You can load up as many rounds as your gun will hold and have at it. Nobody gives a crap.
And no, you can't have my extra ammo.
BTW, I hear that if Ill. bans large capacity mags, some of the gun manufacturers are going to move out of the state. Model 1 and Les Bauer(sp) already have. Springfield and some others are making preps. Ill. is another state run by leftists.
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Post by ScottD »

To be honest with you, Ive given up on gun collecting in this state. Most of my LEO's dont understand the laws, all the ranges around me are 'ole boy' clubs that really only welcome trap shooters, and the pistol permit situation in my county is pathetic. NY is the model of the future! (of gun control). They will never ban all the guns, they will just make it impossible to own them, with no place to shoot them and city ordanances that forbid them in certain town limits. I wish I knew the name of the local sherrif that told me my Curio and Relic FFL wasnt valid in New York State.....Also the same bunch of guys who told my friends that hollow points are banned. I wish I could just pick up and move, but work obligations keep me here.
My soultion for everything "Get a bigger hammer or larger caliber!"

Post by propos »

There isn't much you can do about your sitituation, is there. That sucks. With NYC controling the rest of the state you're sorta out of luck. Too bad NYC doesn't slide off into the Atlantic and take all the gungrabbing liberal SOB's with it. Maybe we could tie a damn big cable to it and have it take Phila. with it. Either that or sell Phila. to New Jersey for $1 and figure I still got the best of the deal. Damn stinking liberal crap holes.
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Re: Israeli Tracer Ammo

Post by ScottD »

Yer absolutly right. I dont know what I hate more, the (Try a different word.) gun laws, the pretentious attitudes of most of the gun ranges or the metro NY'ers who think that everybody above Westchester rides a cow to work.....
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Post by TactAdv »

dagobert wrote:Well, what about the Romanian 8mm surplus? I hope it's good. Otherwise, I've got a few belts to de-link. :roll:

The Romanian 8mm is unquestionably the finest 8mm to come on the market in well over 20 years. Much of it is less than 20 yrs old, it was all reliably stored, both packed in hermetically sealed containers and well protected in inside proper storage facilities. All the wooden packing crates are in pristine condition.

The ammunition was loaded on original design German style machines. The propellant used carefully replicates the charge and intensity of the proper German specified gewehrpulver. The steel cases are manufactured using the German style of case forming, which is different from the Russian influenced design seen in all other Eastern Bloc steel case ammunitions.

There is simply NO question that this ammunition is the proper choice for use in original German machineguns. The group of MG shooters I associate with made the decision to use this exclusively as long as the remaining supply lasts. We feel strongly enough about this ammo to have acquired.....well, a LOT. No numbers, because last time I went down this road here, people got offended. But I will remark that a few of us went in and grabbed one container load awhile back, and the standard overseas 53' CONEX container holds 54,740lbs of cargo. A single 760rd case of the Romo is 24kg (52.8lbs). Just that one CONEX container right there was split by a few dedicated MG people. So yeah, we feel it's good stuff. 'Nuff said.
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