HELP - Bolt stuck in locked position!!!

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HELP - Bolt stuck in locked position!!!

Post by joshk98k »

OK, I'm an idiot! I was greasing her up this morning (My MG42, not my woman) so I could test her out and report back on my other thread. I slid the bolt back into the rails and was testing for smoothness and without realizing it I let the bolt slide all the way forward and it locked into the barrel. Then I noticed the cocking handle still sitting on the bench. Crap!

No matter what I do I can't seem to get the bolt to unlock so I can slide it back.

Any suggestions? I am a little afraid to try the brute force method.

Thanks Guys!

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Post by tony »

what if you took the flash cone off the muzzle end and pushed the barrel back into the receiver? just a thought....

Post by FAL_specialist »

Maybe leverage the bolt back via the bolt's top cover actuating post?

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Post by JBaum »

As above, take off the flash hider and nozzle, and push the barrel guide bushing in with the muzzle pointed straight up. That will push the bolt back against the cams, which will push the locking rollers in and let the bolt fall out the bottom.
John@German<remove this>

Post by joshk98k »

:D Thanks Guys!!! I got it!!!

It took all the suggestions to work! I had the wife push down on the barrel guide bushing as hard as she could and then I tapped the guide "post" on the bolt a few times and it came free.

Should it be that difficult to do? I also noticed that the bolt guide "post" is rubbing the track that it is in on the right side when behind the gun. I know it is supposed to be guided by that big slot but should it be rubbing one side kinda hard and not the other side at all?

Thanks again for your help guys. I'm off to the back yard to give her a go.


Post by propos »

I had something similar happen. The bolt locked in place and no amount of pulling on it would free it. I took the recoil booster and nozzle off and bounced the barrel bearing on a board on the floor. That freed it.
That seems to be standard procedure for freeing up a locked bolt. Just make sure you catch before it goes back into battery again.
I don't think that the bolt stud should be rubbing on the slot in the receiver. It should ride in the bolt guide in the top cover. Something might be out of whack. You might want to spread the top of the receiver a wee bit and see if that helps. Not much, just enough for the bolt stud not to rub. Or you might what to file the side of the slot slightly where it rubs. Then use a stone to polish it. By rights, the bolt should be riding in the rails without rubbing on either side of the slot.
Doggone it fella but you're having your share of problems lately with that BPR built firearm.
But every time you are learning something about your gun and how to fix it.

Post by Cruiser133 »

I think we have all done that a time or two... I placed a block of wood under mine where the buttstock normally goes and just taped the whole receiver down on the block and out the bolt came after a few whacks!
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Post by Bil »

I had the same thing happen,and finally 'bounced' it out.It is kind of scary at first,you look for a way to get at it,and you know how many parts have to move at once.One of those'oh-f&%#@ moments.The solution is much easier that you would think. ---bil

Post by joshk98k »

:mrgreen: Yeah, definetly an Oh #@$* moment. When I realized the bolt had locked into the barrel I was like... :shock:

Thanks again for the help guys!

Unfortunately by the time I got it fixed It started to rain really hard and I didn't get to try it out.
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