8mm ammunition.

Anything MG42 related.

Post by azcraig »

No such thing as a stupid question.
Long Mountain Outfitters. Owned by Dan Shea,he also owns Surplus International LLC.. Doesn't say how much shipping will be. Says call(702) 564-0948

Post by Cruiser133 »

Thanks!! Dont know why that didnt occur to me, I have dealt with Long mountain in the past.....
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Post by justashooter »

dan shea is the editor of SAR. seems a nice enough guy.
working on it!

talked with Interord

Post by nick1 »

They have more ammo inbound but it was ordered complete by a undislcosed buyer.

The message they gave me was there is some more out there but the supply is limited.
nivek doom

Question on Romanian 8 mm...

Post by nivek doom »


I recently bought a case and a half of Romainain 8mm steel case. I have always stayed a way from steel cased ammo, but due to the scarcity, I took the risk because it was a good deal. Will it damage a Yugo MG42 or my M-48? I have heard that steel case will create wear on my exractors. I think they were referring to Wolf ammo in an AR-15 but the effects would probably be the same. After reading all of the ammo section of this forum I saw many references to Romainian 8 mm but I saw no indication whether it was brass or steel. The seller told me he would take it back if it wouldn't work. If anybody has any information it would be nice to hear from you.....
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Post by Bil »

The only thing I have heard is that the Romanian uses corrosive powder,and extra cleaning after firing is required.I don't know about the dif of steel vs brass. ---bil
nivek doom

Post by nivek doom »

Thanks Bil, For your prompt reply with the info. you had. Nivek
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Post by Bil »

Nivek-Welcome aboard! ---bil
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Post by rats25 »

Is there any 8mm ammo you shouldn't run in a MG34 or 42?
Does the Romainian steel case 8mm run good in the MG34s?
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Post by Bil »

YES!! There is a lot of info here on various ammo that shouldn't be used,and why.Too much for one answer.Go to the stickies sections,and also do a search,there are literaly pages of facts and opinions here.Romanian is supposed to be the best,and there is a saying"if you wouldn't drink the water,don't use the ammo'.It refers to some bad ammo from the third world.Good luck hunting! ---bil

Post by renovate7 »

I've run a lot of the Romanian thru an 08/15 with nary a problem. Just clean the gun well when you are done.
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