Mg34 repro lafette slings from IMA

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Mg34 repro lafette slings from IMA

Post by biochembri »

I just wanted to let everyone know about the Mg34 repro lafette slings from IMA. I just recently purchased one and left a review on the IMA website after several emails to the customer service department. The slings themselves are well constructed and while not an exact duplicate should be good enough for those that cant find one or dont want to make there own. There was one problem, there should be two swival hooks on each strap, these only ship with one making it difficult to attach to the D-rings on the lafette mount. When I emailed this problem to customer services I received the reply:

"Sir: All of our tripod sling sets, including original slings in storage, only have one swivel hook on each strap. Could you please send us a picture of your tripod and attachment points? I believe these are only supposed to
require one hook. David, IMA customer service"

I then inquired again if they were going to resolve the problem when i sent them references to period photos of the strap and the actual lafette with straps including hardware on both ends. This was his response:

"Sir: I checked the stock in our warehouse and all of the GG3466 tripod sling sets only have one clip on each strap. I spoke with our director regarding this and he stated that there is only one clip on each of the individual slings that are attached to the lafette tripod. The other end was strapped on directly so it could not easily be removed. If you look at the pictures on one of the websites that you referred me to you will notice that there is only a clip on one side of the sling attached to the lafette tripod, the side further to the left. The right side you can see the sling passed through one of the D-rings that are attached directly to the tripod. There is no clip visible on that side. David, IMA customer service"

I guess that means I wont be getting the missing hardware? Note his picture reference in the link above is a modern mg42 pic, not a period photo.

Brian Abela
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Post by Mg34gunner »

Well, this IS IMA we're talking about here........

But there ARE two snaphooks on each sling, one on each end. All of the originals I have ever seen had two snaphooks on each sling.

I have never had good luck with IMA.

FWIW :roll:

Post by CRA »

Well that german militaria uk site has tons of post war accesories listed as original.
I have most the items thats how I know, I suspect a ebay militaria education :lol:

I have noticed in the UK as more and more peolple assure they are selling wartime german accesories that it almost becomes accepted as the truth ( besides the fact that the item is incorrect and has little to due with WWII german schematics )

Well theres always the catch original german just not original WWII german.

Post by ak47dennis »

You guys will get a laugh at this then, I purchased this as "orignal" from IMA After many phone calls an pictures I finally got a correct sling.
mg42sling.jpg (63.37 KiB) Viewed 1933 times
MG 42  slingmarkings.jpg
MG 42 slingmarkings.jpg (79.53 KiB) Viewed 1936 times

Post by ak47dennis »

On a final note, the girl that I usually call and place orders with admitted to me that Alex (owners son) has a set of stamps.... read between the lines! :roll:

It’s shame they resort to tricks like this they do have a lot or nice original items, acts like this seriously reduce their credibility.

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Lafette Straps

Post by biochembri »

I dont know if they are postwar Yugo or not. All I know is they do not match the German WWII versions. I actually received a call from the company and the owner to explain to me that the picture shown is a WWII tripod sling. They were very upset with me that I had written a bad review on a website regarding there company.

Brian Abela
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Post by Blanksguy »

If you liked the photos of the WWII German Tripod-Carry-Straps and Slings that I posted.....thanks.

If someone wanted to "adjust" those Post-War Tripod-Sraps....they could:

1: Try purchasing four (4) of a more correct-looking metal-catches from a Mr. Adams out in Washington state at:
Mr. Adams is making up a limited-run of first model FG42 rifles in a semi-only form.

2: If Mr. Adams will sell these to could then make up the required metal triangles to attach these hooks to the leather Post-War tripod-slings that you have. May cost a bit more.......but better than havine that "post-war" look on a nice WWII German gun.....correct?

Regards, RichardS.

MG-42 tripod slings, those shown are in fact Yugo slings,

Post by G36kinnc »

For those that don't know, tripod slings (WW2) have a metal attachment hook on each end, I have collected the stuff for 30 years and lived in Europe and know, not guessing, IMA is selling Yugo slings as is obvious by the added waist belt attching strap hanging off each one when carried on the back,
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Re: Lafette Straps

Post by Reichpapers »

biochembri wrote:I dont know if they are postwar Yugo or not. All I know is they do not match the German WWII versions. I actually received a call from the company and the owner to explain to me that the picture shown is a WWII tripod sling. They were very upset with me that I had written a bad review on a website regarding there company.

Brian Abela
Could you mention which site this was? I'm curious which sites they keep their eyes on.
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Vendor review links

Post by biochembri »


It is the Green Devils reenactors website. It has a review section. Try the link below. ... CTION=VIEW

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