Belted ammo can identification???

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Belted ammo can identification???

Post by tony »

Is there any way to tell 8mm from .308 ammo cans apart? Size? markings? Looks?

Thanks for any help on this.

I had ordered some 8mm ammo cans from I.O. and I think they are actually .308 but I'm not sure. No WWII markings at all, just a small serial # on the lid.

And what is the angled piece of sheet metal riveted inside for???

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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by dwmmg08 »

The .308 cans are slightly narrower than the actual WWII 8mm type cans. I don't know that markings will be a definate giveaway, as the bundeswehr used both, and had both made.

I know the angled piece of sheetmetal inside should be a definate sign of it as a postwar can. I've never heard of a wartime german can with that, but I have heard of the .308 postwar cans (not all of them, either) having such an insert, and I think I even have one around here with one. The insert is to make the topmost row of ammo lie flat. I also think it limits you to 250 or so rounds. The proper way to load the wartime cans is with the first 100 rounds or so facing back toward the shooter, with the next 200 rounds facing the other way, for a total of 300. The insert, I think, allows you to have 250 rounds all facing the same way in the can. I'm thinking the design was for vehicle usage, where it was proving to be a pain to get the reversed ammo belt out of the bottom of the can and into use. :D

One thing that most of the .308 cans on the market now seem to have is a pair of diagonal slashes or ribs on the side of the can, in line with the side of the top of the can. I haven't seen an 8mm can for sale with these diagonal ribs, but all the identified .308 cans have them. I am sure you can use an 8mm can with .308 ammo; I'm thinking you can't use the .308 cans with the 8mm, though, due to the length of the cartridge.

The best ammo cans I have ever had or seen out there, seriously, have to be the ones I got for one of the post WWII Madsen MG's: They're seriously well made, fit maxim or MG34 belts great, seem to have been made for 8mm, and have rubber seals. It's too bad that gun wasn't more successful, I'd love to have more of the ammo cans for it!!!! rotflmbao

Have fun shooting!!!!! I've bought some good ammo cans from IO, my most recent turned out to be a pretty good condition Patronenkasten 41, German WWII marked, a pleasant surprise! You may also want to try Long Mountain Outfitters, they may have some good cans now, too.
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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by tony »

Thanks for the heads up. I'll try to post pics w/ measurments of the one's I have to help I.D. them. An 8mm round does fit but not by much. I guess since the rounds don't lie flat across the can they made the can narrower than what I expected.
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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by dwmmg08 »

Have you tried a .308 round? The rounds should fit laying flat across, at least at the top. I'm pretty sure all the cans with the big insert in the bottom will be .308 cans.

You could also call IO, I think the .308 cans are substantially cheaper than the 8mm ones, too.
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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by tony »

I haven't tried a belt of 8mm yet but an 8mm round does fit laying flat across at the top with about 1/8" give or take. The latch handle is on the front instead of the top like the ones on Long mountains site and doesn't have the "pads" on the carry handle. No ribs on the sides like you state are on the .308 cans. I can post pics tomorrow.

Thanks for all the help BTW.

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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by dwmmg08 »

From your statement about the latch, it could be either a Patronenkasten 41 (Gotta be German 8mm) or it could be an Austrian post war can, which has a different latch, also on the side? If you can check out Long Mountain Outfitter's site, they have a deal which included 5 belts and a "double latch" ammo can- a Patronenkasten 41. Does yours look like that? Also, some of the Patronenkasten 41 cans actually have that stamped on the ends of the can, mine I just got from IO does. Does yours??? The proof marks, and makers stamp, would be on the top, under the carrying handle. :read: :nana:
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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by tony »

It has one latch like that one, but the lid is flat and angled on the sides like the other two. All sides are flat and only one handle on top. The paint is thick and green like most postwar stuff I have seen, so thick one latch is stuck closed as are the carry handles. They do not look like any WWII cans I've seen which leds me to think they are a postwar, maybe Yugo? No stamps that I can see exept for a small serial # on top (very small). For $20 apiece as long as the'll work with 8mm I'm happy. These are the first ones I have bought and will look for more authentic ones later. I got a sale flyer from I.O. back in Nov. and they had listed .308 cans for $9.95 and 8mm cans for $19.95 both postwar from what I remember. I want to make sure I got the 8mm ones. I see they have the WWII marked ones for 39.95 but the pic is the same as the flyer I had, but these do not look like the pic.
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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by tony »

here is a pic of the front/top
p1000817[1] (2) (Small).jpg
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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by dwmmg08 »

I'm pretty sure that's the post war Austrian type can. It is not the patronenkasten 41. It may be 8mm, but I was of the impression these are .308 cans, for the MG3 type MG... Are you sure it isn't what they offer for 9.95?
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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by dwmmg08 »

I saw this on AIM's website, I don't think this is it, so I'll keep looking-

MG74 Austrian Ammo Can Complete with Machine Gun Links

Excellent condition Austrian can with unissued machine gun belts (Qty may vary). Fits MG42/MG3/MG74/MG34. Works with .308 or 8mm.

Price: $19.95
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Re: Belted ammo can identification???

Post by dwmmg08 »

Could be post-war Bundeswehr, also-

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