MG42 A.A. Tripod

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MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by tony »

O.K....who bought up all the A.A. tripods!
I.O. still advertising them, so I call to order one and they're out. Lady says she doesn't know if they'll even get any more in. O.K., I call RTG,...same answer. I call another place and still the same answer! It's funny how gun parts go, one minute we have more than we think we can sell, the next we're out and none in the horizon. This hobby is the true addiction. When parts are plentiful, I'm calm and collective, when they're not, I'm scratching my head trying to find them and get aggravated when I can't. Bottom line, if someone knows where I can score an A.A. tripod, please chim in. :shock:
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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by Embalmer »

im in the same boat as you, thus why I grabbed one of the mg3 tripods as they seem to be drying up now.

im also looking for a replacement AA tripod, to mount in the back of my 2007 Jeep Wrangler. old one went missing after the car accident :bang:
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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by JBaum »

They're still out there. Here's one that isn't for sale outside of Germany.

Click on the link: ... dZViewItem

Who bought up all the AA tripods? The same people who've been buying up all the MG42 and MG34 parts and accessories. It's the gun builders - the guys who have been buying all the parts kits and want to have a full rig with all the accessories. There's only so much of this stuff out there, and this hobby has absorbed just about everything that used to be considered surplus, and yet there's still a demand for more. Hundreds of kits, thousands of accessories, millions of rounds of ammo. POOF! It disappeared into garages, basements, gunsafes, and vaults all over the country (except CA, NJ, MA, and a few other places where the constitution doesn't apply).

Is there no stopping this monster? :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:
John@German<remove this>
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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by Embalmer »

hey now, im in MA, and DO have a mg34, thompson 1919a4 ect in my safe. And now know there is atleast 1 more about 10 mins from me. lol we are anti gun state but our prob lays with pistols mostly lol
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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by bolex »

jbaum wrote:They're still out there. Here's one that isn't for sale outside of Germany.

Click on the link: ... dZViewItem

Who bought up all the AA tripods? The same people who've been buying up all the MG42 and MG34 parts and accessories. It's the gun builders - the guys who have been buying all the parts kits and want to have a full rig with all the accessories. There's only so much of this stuff out there, and this hobby has absorbed just about everything that used to be considered surplus, and yet there's still a demand for more. Hundreds of kits, thousands of accessories, millions of rounds of ammo. POOF! It disappeared into garages, basements, gunsafes, and vaults all over the country (except CA, NJ, MA, and a few other places where the constitution doesn't apply).

Is there no stopping this monster? :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:
Kind off the subject, but.. how many MG42/M53 kits were sold? How big is the market for this stuff? I mean are there a 1,000 people out there building these things? Just wonder if anyone has a idea of what the market is.
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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by tony »

:mrgreen: Found a place that has some left! They're the MG3 type, good to very good condition and I didn't have to order it across the ocean. $150+shipping.

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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by tomcatshaas »

please post link or contact info.

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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by tony »


Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by H_Waffenfabrik »

About $400+ for an M3 that the same as an AA ? ~ sorry, not well versed on tripods. ... dZViewItem

Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by H_Waffenfabrik » I feel stoopid.......AA = Anti Aircraft........nvrmnd :oops:

Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by H_Waffenfabrik »


Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by H_Waffenfabrik »

Oh and IO-INC has 'em too for $129 + shipping......

Bottom on pricelist at the lower lefthand corner.
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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by tomcatshaas »

H_Waffenfabrik wrote:Oh and IO-INC has 'em too for $129 + shipping......

Bottom on pricelist at the lower lefthand corner.
Does IO have them or are they out???? At the begining of this post, the original poster said he called them and the lady said they where out? Are they back in stock again?

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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by tony »

Not sure without calling I.O., but I received the tripod from keep in 2 days. 2 day shipping for about 12 bucks! It is unissued in the wrap and comes with carry strap. I can't say for all of them, but the one I received was NIB. Very happy with them.
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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by dwmmg08 »

Ordered and on the way from Keep Shooting!

I called IO today, and they are out of stock, and said they will get more, and more are coming. As I was told by a german supplier and saw where marstar may have indicated that tripods have been reclassified somehow for import, I don't know how that could be true, but they definately would have taken my money for the backorder, so hopefully they were telling the truth on the backorder deal. :shock: I didn't do it.

IO says their adaptors for the mg42 tripod to put an mg34 on it are in stock. Planning to get that, I'll let you know how that goes!

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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by dwmmg08 »

I did notice the ones Sportsman's guide has appear identical to the ones Keepshooting has, but the price is not identical- approximately $200 more at Sportsmans guide?

On the other hand, says they have less than 20 left. :shock:
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WOW! MG42 AA tripod arrives!

Post by dwmmg08 »

Another vote for, they delivered fast! I can't believe it! Paid nothing extra for shipping, but they got right to it, my tripod arrived today, I've already gotten it out of the box and standing by the wall, it appears to be basically new. I suspect it is actually Yugo, but it looks really good. I'm going to see if I can find any markings on it.

If you need one of these, I'd go with KeepShooting, they were quite fast, and reasonably priced.

Also, I think from the shortage, that what I was told by the german supplier who had some was correct, he stated that they have been reclassified as gun parts without a sporting purpose or some such BS, and may not be able to be brought in anymore??? I hope this is wrong, but I know he could have sold some if he could have sent them here, but didn't believe he could. :(
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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by tomcatshaas »

why does it have to have a sporting purpose? Put a lamp shade on it and call it a lamp. It's art ! :mrgreen:


Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by RaccoonRough »

I used mine just the other day to hang an I.V. bag off from. :D
No kidding, my father is on some I.V. anti biotics at home for the next three weeks so I have been helping give them to him. So when he came up to visit for the day I just used my MG attached to the AA tripod and hooked the bag to the rear sight. It was high enough for sure.

Worked great!

I guess I am really warped......Huh!
But I bet that it wasnt the first time that was done???

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Re: MG42 A.A. Tripod

Post by Bil »

See,it serves a medical purpose-it should be let into the country for humanitarian purposes! Think they will go for it ?? :? ---bil
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