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Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:06 pm
by ScottD
Ive got two IMA receiver 'rear' sections now. My front section from my kit is pretty bad and Ive been looking for one to replace where the heck did they go? IMA has how many hundreds of rears for sale? Front sections are going for excess of 300 bucks right now......who is sitting on these things? I need one for my build but Im not paying that kind of scratch.

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:46 pm
by JBaum
12 years ago, IMA sold only the front halves of the receivers with their parts kits. No rear receiver pieces were included. Now they've dug up the rear parts, and the fronts are long gone (or socked away).

I have one of the front pieces from IMA years ago. It was cut with a band saw just to the rear of the cam piece (which is still mounted). The entire front half is in one piece. I bought the rear torch cut 3 pieces months ago so that I have enough to put one together - someday. :)

Maybe 7 years ago, a full front section sold on Gunbroker for $1,200. It's all just a little crazy to me. :shock:

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:56 pm
by ScottD
Long socked away.......thats my point. Its like the kids with the batteries holding out on the kids with the hand held video games........cmon, Ill trade an IMA rear section, a 1911 kit, or whatever for a good front section, but IM NOT paying 300 bucks to some guy who just has these piled up and is waiting to move them when we need them most......

I tell ya, Ive got plenty of shil to sell. I rather sell it at a loss to a guy who will apprecieate it ,than sell overpriced to a yuppy goon who doesnt understand..............

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:17 am
by oakrodent
What are you willing to trade for a nice front section?? I have a few of them

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:22 am
by ScottD
PM sent to above. :D

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:29 pm
by Bil
I don't know how TNW does it,but if you get a receiver from them,you have to have your own mounting stud.Maybe they used up a bunch on their complete receivers and guns. ---bil

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:52 pm
by geladen
i dont know scottd, i dont think this is going to get any better. with the big "ban" rumors floating around i think if i had extra front pieces i would find the money to make guns out of them. i would hope the current administration has much bigger things to tackle than a useless gun ban. my fear is that there is some white house flunky that doesnt have anything better to do than write one.

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:52 pm
Scott, I would consider contacting Marstar. Yes it is a PIA, yes you may have to fill out an import form (I think a form 6???), they will demill it, the '34 receiver. So e-mail John at Marstar, instead of getting the whole receiver de-milled just get the front and the end, you can always use an extra set of buffer threads, pay the $370 canadian or better yet buy/import two, sell the second on Gb and recoup your cost :D

Collectors are getting it from both ends sellers and the politicians. The sellers (at least those that are honest enough to level with you) love the hype because their profits are way up, and to some degree the fear is legit. Who has not seen a newspaper blaming the US "Assault Weapons" for the violence in Mexico?

Luckily the administration had to calm down after a letter with 64 House democrats was sent to the White House explaining that they will not support any new AWB legislation. Not all dems hate guns and not all Repubs love them, so calling the offices makes a difference.

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:41 pm
by ScottD
Ive tried contacting Marstar a few times on other small issues, they didnt even return my email. I was just hoping somebody here would kind of give me the 'forum hookup' and be willing to trade or let it go for an honest price. IM currently negotiating a possible trade, but if anybody is interested Ive got...

A mint Romy G kit, all matching, up for trade, for a MG34 front section.

Somebody hook a man up here!

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:46 am
by smokinggun
I have a front 34 section that i will trade for other sections of the receiver. If anyone has any spare sections that they want to trade, let me know.

Re: Where did all the front sections go?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:36 pm
by ScottD
I found a front section, Ill be keeping my Romy kit. :)