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BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:43 pm
by ScottD
Bump to top again on '34 922R compliance. I posted this very same question about MG42's almost 2 years ago and was told...not required, yes it is, no its not, yes, no, yes, no..... :shock:

So here I go again. Does the '34 fall under 922R compliance? If so, I dont see a whole lot of US parts going into this gun so maybe someone can tell me how.....

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:27 pm
by Michael J
922r has never been something people building '34's have ever really worried about. Not that this concerns me anyways, as i don't have to worry about 922r in canada. But it's either that it does not matter, or it secretly does matter, but the average semi build (like pirates tutorial for example) simply utilizes enough "US parts" (like the receiver being rewelded, is re manufactured in the US ,no?) so it doesn't matter anyways.

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:25 pm
by ScottD
Um, yeah, leagal advice from a Canadian.............when I need bail, will you remember me? :(
Bustin yer chops my friend. You still have the coolest avitar in the world.

These are the little things that worry me. Especially since no one can give me a straight answer, its all based on assumptions. Oh well, I dont even have my kit yet.

Can you take me to Marstar please? Please?

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:33 pm
by Michael J
:lol: , yeah its pretty bad when you got to get legal advice about your laws from somebody outside of your country!

You are the only person who seems paranoid about this 922r ;). With all these conversions and crap u gotta do, you've basically remanufactured everything but the stock and the barrel! I'm sure, god forbid it is required, you will pass 922r.

Those turds at marstar won't even sell stuff to me! They only sell parts kits to americans, and only in bulk :puk: , real patriotic company eh :lol: . Besides, i'm located literally on the other side of the country as them. Would be like a washington state guy right on the coast traveling to michigan!

You know what man, just go for the build.
Worst comes to worst, you still got a parts kit, that for sure will be a LOT more expensive to buy in the near future :) .

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:39 pm
by ScottD
Marstar wont sell to you? What the hell is that about? Come to think about it, those clowns never returned my email about some Bren parts.....Im gonna boycott them. Ill show em! Ill spend my 35 USD elsewhere!

Yeah, Im one of the few guys who seems to care about 922 compliance. Especially with a gun thats as 'high profile' as a belt fed weapon. Most of my local law enforcement types dont know jack shti about firearms, and I can imagine having a weapon like this taken into 'temporary custody' as they examine it. Id hate to go to club fed because some local Nazi took my gun (perfectly legal semi auto) and then get jacked up because I was missing a US made hammer or some kind of crap. I know its far fetched, but I opt on the side of paranoia when it comes to federal prosecution. Anyways, I pride myself on honoring these stupid laws. My friends look at my collection and say "Man, if you get busted....." I like telling them "No way man, everything I own is 100% compliant with every law out there......"

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:15 pm
by Michael J
Hmm, well what is the requirement for 922r? Lets break this down...

-US hammer
-US sear
-US trigger
-US springs (probably a couple or so in there)
-US pins (holding the fcg together, not sure if you can count out individual pins lol)
-US "re manufactured" bolt (if you break down all the modified parts, well there are a small handful)
-US "re manufactured" receiver

I mean, surely that is sufficient? Better yet, if you just buy TNW's semi auto mg34 kit, that includes all they use to make their mg34, then you can just blame them if you get in trouble :lol: .

As for marstar, well... i haven't tried buying any small parts from them yet. I do need a drum, and some belts from them, maybe they will pull through for me yet :D . If not... well they can shove their belts into the tunnel with no light at the end.

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:33 pm
by rocco1911
Some things are better left alone this thread is starting to smell like a aw-sim thread brewing & we all know how that turned out.

you poke a dog with a stick enough you get bit.

TNW has an approval on there Design & that is what is being followed. let it rest

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:43 pm
by rocco1911
rocco1911 wrote:Some things are better left alone this thread is starting to smell like a aw-sim / Atkins accelerator thread brewing & we all know how that turned out.

you poke a dog with a stick enough you get bit.

TNW has an approval on there Design & that is what is being followed. let it rest

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:42 am
by 762x51
rocco1911 wrote: TNW has an approval on there Design & that is what is being followed. let it rest
Good advise - Follow the TNW design and go forth and enjoy......

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:18 pm
by ScottD
And where may I find a good breakdown of the TNW design? Look, Im just trying to get this project started and I have only found Pirates receiver reweld, his bolt mod, and how to add the trigger rollers. Any pics of the actual assembled trigger and such? I want to see how it all 'comes together'. The '42 tutorial on this site rocks, the 34, um, not so good. Unless of course Ive missed it.....

Re: BTT on MG34 922R compliance.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:39 pm
by rocco1911
you'll need to buy the semi parts kit from TNW $180.00 then contact Pirate @ projectguns he will walk you through it he uses the TNW design & is a great guy

One other thing ATF has ruled that a re-welded receiver is a USA made part so no need to buy the TNW receiver if you have good overlapping receiver parts get a jig or send them to pirate for assembly